Transgender in Love

Hurtful well spoken thoughts, how they can cause offence. Explaining them clearly. Its not a case of them or us. Reality and pressure, a dialogue that needs to be explained. In some parts, there are those that experiment on thoughts, and how to access them. Its not a TV program, its a reality, cloning the thought process, whose thoughts though. Jesus will help you explain things. Transgender, it simply means there are those that are lost in the old ways, and seek meaning in their lives. The only conspiracy, those that dabble in that area for nefarious purposes. Certain folks start off life slowly, their gifts not yet ready in themselves. They can be assisted to develop faster, maybe they need active stimuli. Birds can see light the human eye can’t, amen.

To say we are against such people, is a false impression when spouted out with clear reasoning. So a document is issued, its a talking work, it needs to be discussed. The carpet has got so high in what we try to hide, we tend to ignore it. Who wants to discuss what they don’t want to understand. In short, pray for wisdom to come and help you, and as Jesus says, be patient. Its not a magic wand, amen.


You can’t understand the frustrating thoughts inside, think of this, your inner glands, and what is secreted there, everyone has them. When the glands work, your health is naturally good. What is illness, put heat stored in the wrong places. Its why healthy exercise burns off the excess heat inside. Or imagine the workplace where one gender dominates the environment, the angst felt by those who are most sensitive. We know this now, its an awareness that is being dealt with. Or imagine the boy who is shamed when young, the memory that lasts, the errant behavior later.

Solomon was appealing to those who have spiritual influence. Think it out, whom are you appealing to, are you aware of the sensitive nature of so many.

Later, he sits over a coffee. Spirit well being is so vital to a healthy soul. He recalls the Sunday drive, the monastery gates, the light from above, the light in the Holy Space. Take back the comment, intimate living, how is the space being treated. A mother gives birth, its been six months, the need to recuperate. Is she ready, her body has undergone serious realignment, the baby’s skull is soft on top to help with the removal, she might have had to be cut, maybe in love, a little thought should be given to the matter. Barney Dolphin looks at Benny Dolphin, how come this sort of thought is not common. Benny sighs, why do the oceans heat up and why have we delayed taking action. Barney smiles, is that the job your preparing me for. Benny smiles with delight, his pupil is learning fast. Did I tell you barney about the day the cloud arrived, or the night the stardust fell on me. Barney sighs, Of course Benny Dolphin, who could ignore all that, amen. And don’t forget the Kilmallock rescue either, barney smiles, we are all little miracles, you sure are sighs Benny.

I’ve to get some space, Barney watches the Benny slide off his shower chair, and into the water. The old monk looks on. I’ll have the biscuits ready when you return. Benny takes some thoughts with him into the great outdoors, where he can dwell on thoughts, uninterrupted. We need to think outside the box, amen.

Help your thoughts, story telling, the happy stories we listen to, they are online now, you don’t even need to read. The gingerbread man, the fairy tales, how they help us to understand, and we feel good afterwards, all the bad stuff dealt with, you sleep like a king should. None of that big time stuff, wait until your older, your maturity grows up with you, that’s what Uriel the Holy Angel of God told Ezra, its in the second book. And if you find it difficult sometimes remember what Uriel says, with God’s Help nothing is impossible, and that sort of advice will not lead you into danger, amen.

Pill or injection…

The car maintenance class, the youths are looking at the vehicle they used to steal, the teacher is a former car driver, racing car driver, he has a tale to tell them, his reputation of old, was wild boy, who lived for the girls and the attention, so the papers said, then he found himself, one morning he wakes after a dark night of dreaming, he was asking, how did i get here, in a bed, unable to move, was that the paralyzing dream, he wasn’t waking with a smile, the next day he is in the Monaco grand Prix, he is leading as they enter the final lap, he is waving to the spectators, taking the triumph, what could be better, the car suddenly comes to a halt, he looks at the gas indicator, its the old days, fuel in the tank, what, what could it be, he gets out to push the car, he is yards from the finish line, just another, then his main competitor romps past, and takes the trophy instead, would you believe it, it was the injectors that were blocked, amen. The class all listen, clean energy, the veins in your body, how fine the needle, the dirty concoction. The class are cleaning the engine parts, how the smallest details matter.

The Easter week, the signs, what has been your path. There is talk of Jesus Christ, real signs, papal rethinks, new ways of describing ourselves, its like a genie has escaped, why we are what we were, how we change, the little matter of secure thinking, not thinking of others, the freedom to express oneself, the world, how to communicate cleanly. Easter, the fuel injector, How fine the spray, it asks us of ourselves, conditions, the migraine sufferers, each point an angry burst, have more than one, sleep agony, more drama, each notional thought a pain, the constant push into the mind, relief, stress, ah who will be your rescue, even Jesus tells us to give the recovering person some food, feed them he often says, the body has needs as well. Easter, they count the wounds on the body as if they are coroners, the marks, used in story to identify with the great story. Easter, the fine points of Harvest, this was a pass over festival, the escape from Egypt, or the rescue, then the walk in the desert, the people were gathering, coming from all areas, the talk was trade, business doing well, the need for accommodation, food, peace among the more rebellious Jews, meetings with the Sanhedrin, people all prepared, resources, table settings, relatives from the country, it’s gung ho, its Christmas in Spring time.

The old anxiety, this man they call Jesus, he’s got the ear of the common folk, many are listening to him, he breaks the rules, eats what he likes, and the elements, they heed him, what if, is he another form of spirit, and he claims kinship with God Almighty, and disturbs the take on the door when he is about, a danger to our relationship with Rome, what if he ignites trouble, with all the people about, there is tension in the air, this is the diatribe they speak, having planned to do away with him, it sounds convincing, many are taken in, it makes complete sense, and our status among our brethren is not put at risk, even if in private we have doubts.

Late, near darkness, remote place, the trial begins An injection of faith, is all you need, the mustard seed, did any of this make you think, the human way gets in the way, our material doubts, who doesn’t get anxious, but when its so easily taken from you, or where there are so many whom you think will, its easy to act in a certain way.

So Francis is taking it easy, not in a hurry, reads some old stories going back 200 or three hundred years, nothing that can get clouded in today speak, clears the mind, gets to the humanness of the times, simple, those with too much perish in ways, there are so many willing to take them on, having less to worry about, was like a conscience that runs on clean energy. Not having to come up with a meaning, until you have read the book, you read on, getting a better meaning of what you already read, like a new revelation a week later, oh, well if i knew then, what would I have thought then, but being human, you forget that as nonsense, knowing it will change your entire reflection, or you loose grip with your inner bias’s. And this corundum, is like when you inject, the Gospels of Jesus, into your relationship with the Almighty, it improves and deepens the meaning, amen.

Only on a Sunday…

Francis, its been 2,000 years, they ought to know something by now, and the signs are real, don’t worry, they’ll work you like a tired mother until they replace you with someone else, that’s the form, stop, they are like children waiting for their inheritance, who next, while you have the confidence to speak out, they worry that you might create real work for them, stop, a month in the Sun, no stress, time to prepare for the final ascent, imagine your climbing Everest, your short of oxygen, so rather than act too fast, wait for your inner spirit to strengthen, the Eternal One knows of those who pull at you emotionally, draining your instincts, there is even a parable written that explains this issue, how do you trap a strong man, you distract Him, all those crises, that pain, that the Eternal Loving Heart has to deal with, sucking the energy, their fate, those that pull like hyena’s, hoping to down the lion hearted, fear not, the help is written, the words you need are at your finger tips, meanwhile the rock has etched in it, the names of the righteous souls, who are heard daily, who as Isaiah says, can escape the Lord Most High, even in the grave, don’t they believe, the words of Jesus, who reminds them of the fate of those gone ahead, and if this is their attitude, well, why worry, take a long holiday, and return refreshed, amen.

The temptations are shouted out in the silent tongue, distracting voices, stop, its the same with the past, and how the so called wonder, has access to the past, they can’t even count the number of fish there are in the sea, chancers, who prey on the doubts of those they presume to be weak, does Jesus not say, that when you are at your weakest in Spirit, that the All Powerful God is strongest in you, remain firm, amen.

Solomon was thinking of the mournful heart, and all the pleas, many that went unheard, how tiring the call of the mother when her children go astray. Jesus of course, reminds us of the hope you must hang onto, and the parables, when explained to those seeking understanding of them, how easy it will bring fellowship to all believers, not all those who cry out lord lord, know God Most High, Jesus makes this statement too, so why panic. Tired, Solomon sighed at the joyful thought, it happened on many occasions, it happens daily, perhaps the worry of the day blind us spiritually, perhaps, its pleasure they are thinking of, perhaps, well, those that are of God are called servants first, amen.The cloud arrived in a timely manner, requested, there was a journey in the making, the same Power, that sends Godly signs. Some of us are blinded by the thought of this life, while the needs of the next, are sidelined, in short, the pressure on the inner spirit, no wonder Jesus posed the question, would there be any Spirit left at the time of the return.

To those who believe and are in doubt, great signs tell us of the time we are living in, and many who lead spiritually, well Jesus made a few statements about them in the old days, so lack of certainty even in the sight of great revelations should not deter, didn’t Peter deny Jesus three times, and he one of the few, who witnessed the great master at work, amen.


what is in there, the particles, the scope is checked, magnified, what is that stuff in there, he looks at the research assistant, who is new to the position, the aftermath he says, what does that mean, blood cleansing dear, we can’t use it for serious cardiac cases, its okay for the minor stuff, but nothing that essential. Why the category, should we not dump it out she asks. In the old days it would have been binned, however, we have a constant need for it, and the habits of people, old and young has changed, they are not as strong as they used to be, mother nature he says, we need to be wiser. He dashes off, she is left there thinking. There are prohibitions on the use of bloods. She has heard of blood doping, wonders where the fashion came from, the other stuff, the habits, she knows where they came from, everyone does, the overuse of antibiotics, too much sleep interfered with, who has not got something in there then.

Francis on mercy, the voice is brave, the call is strengthening, support for the man grows, he is reaching out, the use of words so vital, one day soon, he will issue an edict on the misuse of information through language manipulation, the way they try to catch out our politicians, be brave sighs Solomon, so many are manacled by some words, they are in fear of them, they are calling, the lawyer is up all night trying to assuage the client, they won’t take everything, the client mourns, it was only a savings account. The man with the briefcase has more power than anyone, until he meets the divine approach to things.

New members, or new signings, the team is up beat, the supporters are in joy, they are hoping for a new insight, the way the “vocations” are been seen. Francis demands they be treated like the stars themselves. If your ACCEPTED, think of the trust you are going to enjoy, and by the way, we will test it first. Struggling for new blood, Francis smiles, they put us through hardship as if this was the outcome to our mental well being, when its to inspire those seeking the light, the job outline. He thinks, men and and women chosen, they are sent to work together, a remote place, team work, from all the faith groups, if they all work for the same purpose, they ought to find working together easy, or they should. Orientation, you arrive in a new land, it takes time to adjust, your new in the job, you are given time and expected to be slow at first, there are many ways to look it over, makes the caucus in the Americas’ look so simple in comparison, you lose your gone out of the race, a new one is found quickly, unlike the eternal vocation.

There is so much misuse of the Holy Words, and there are those who use their faith, to attract interest in the affairs of others, knowing there is a big interest in all things G-d in these times. Jesus gave us many warnings, what would he say today, the very same thing, be careful, you’ll be fooled and the truth will be falsified, Solomon sighed, in words you can put in the request, amen.

Francis looks at the audience, whom do I have to meet, an aid gives him pointers, and the next, Francis sighs, I don’t work for the civil service, can’t another do this and give me more time, surely they know of the vitality of the times and the signs, words for preparation badly needed, and those that interfere, Francis makes a wry smile, they’ll be asked to explain, amen, we all will.

Charlie Chan’s Chrsitmas Dinner…

The world renowned detective gives his audience tips on christmas peace. The turkey should be your friend first, feed him as well as you can, lots of nutrition, this you must remember, what turkety eats you eat. His audience smiles. Molly Mince Pie smiles, Emily Santa Claus too, Eileen Chrtistmas Tree too, they look at Mr Chan lovingly. He is good cook. And when you have turkey ready, you get lots of health green food too, this is vital, your fibre in take is so important, same as TV, don;t allow too much junk to get into head, bad people might with similar interest might try to access this, Charlie taps the side of his head, common sense. what’s in there, like looking for car space at christmas time rush, you need plan. Then, pudding, the children smile, pudding is important. Come on number two sun; Martin PLum Pudding enters the stage, holding a Mrs Carey plum pudding. …

And if you looky, you can add tripple if you want, tripple asks Molly Mince Pie, should that not be trifle, amen.

An hour later, Charlie Chan eggshausted, he wipe brow, he look for assistance, in come Miss Chan. I need refreshment says charlie. What Father, you need me open window. Charlie look at heaven, renault XO please. Father, what, Charlies smiles, its hard work teachings, amen.

Archive Reports

Monthly Archives: December 2013

God in a Nutshell, part 1

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God in a nutshell – Part 1

God, how we make him smile, ever see sparkles in a little ones eyes, tears of joy in one who lost hope, who finds it again, life is more than a game, it’s a love match, a balance act between hearts, it’s the part we play in life, getting it right, not all the time, we are expected to mess up, it’s why we are born again, Jesus didn’t get on with too many Pharisee’s, not many of today’s religious leaders,  or those that deem themselves above those they serve, spin doctoring won’t save you, honesty might, judge it for yourself, the chances of making it to heaven, these topics of interest to you, suppose they are, just a question of believing, loving, meaning forgiving readily too, and acting in that fashion. Reminding others of their faults is an invitation for evil to arrive, the bitterness it creates even if you don’t show it. Seems so simple, what is water, very simple, source for life.

Check out the picture in the Sky, and don’t press your nose against the screen, stand back, and you’ll set it all clearly.

Peace and Francis, Shane rests awhile….

Sinead, Christy, now Shane, a new insert of spirit, the place comes alive, the music legacy played over the season, the memories it will recall, the emotions, we made friends listening to the music, and the many other artists, who brought us together, and the great story teller of all, Jesus.

I’m old and I’m not there, Francis asks, what is there to do, pointers, the expansion of the peace, tell them straight, the signs have appeared, you are on the leader board, lets hope its the right one, what are you doing, Francis calls a peace weekend in Rome, the artists will come, the field is there, they have managers, its just a case of saying it, come, the world will look, the music will pour out, there will be enjoyment, everyone will get on, and where they are shooting each other, its simple, so this is what you want to be remembered for, well, all right, but you have seen the signs, so…

Acrobats in Rome, electric the feel, conversation widens, what interests are these serving, conservative, we are, what about the finish, the rest of them, are they, the fish, we don’t really agree with all that, the time will pass, then a breeze enters the chambers, its Shane McGowan’s voice, lads its changing fast, you better adopt the right attitude, they look right and left, who is talking to us. The Play is about the feeding of children, Mrs Carey, its in Vatican Square, there are singing parts, you hear the voice of the pogues, or is it a dream, culture seems to last the journey, Francis recalls the tango in Rio, he was younger then. memories, how we try to abandon the past, its there, what went on, what was it that drove you wrong, the balladeer opens up, the rover he sings, you have to get to the part when he is about to leave the place, are you sure. Francis is alive, the spirit recovers, the notion comes to him, why don’t we encourage the EU platform, issue invitations to Rome, well, what have they to say for themselves, make it look formal, amen, and China too!.

Sinead, Christy, now Shane, a new insert of spirit, the place comes alive, the music legacy played over the season, the memories it will recall, the emotions, we made friends listening to the music, and the many other artists, who brought us together, and the great story teller, Jesus.

I’m old and I’m not there, Francis asks, what is there to do, pointers, the expansion of the peace, tell them straight, the signs have appeared, you are on the leader board, lets hope its the right one, what are you doing, Francis calls a peace weekend in Rome, the artists will come, the field is there, the have managers, its just a case of saying it, come, the world will look, the music will pour out, there will be enjoyment, everyone will get on, and where they are shooting each other, its simple, so this is what you want to be remembered for, well, all right, but you have seen the signs, so…

Shane and Christy are at the piano, Francis hands them the script, Sinead is getting ready to perform, she needs a hair cut, the world is looking, the soldiers stop fighting, where will we go after all this, what are the options, Francis at the mike, you heard of the olden times, why doubt it, he is looking up, they stop plotting for war, start planning for peace, the world sighs with relief.

And that was the end of the weekend, peace all over. Russia and the Ukraine were thinking of the long term, nothing else, what if the EU was to expand in the years to come, what about the political troubles, all over .the U.S. so divided, the issue of governance in Jerusalem, the elections and the difficulty in forming a government, a legacy issue, was it time to think Jesus, and see the story at home, words few are able to say, amen….Two broken marriages asking for help from each other….

Meanwhile, what is a border, the thought police, can’t we invite talks, the notion, tiered members of the EU, in other locations, amen… the influence thereafter, amen….

Food Stimulation Matters…

What, food does this to you, what, even Yeat’s got implants there, what, so they say, its the madness it creates though, offal, used as a way to increase your manliness, bulls balls, it gets into the brain thought process, can you imagine Jesus and his followers eating, that sort of food, hey. the lamb is roasting what did you do with his other bits, not supposed to be eating that stuff, imagine, well, if its to help in those regions, what else does it do for you, amen. The Story was just a theory on food habits, food as a weapon, eating disorders, and the follow on damage to tender minds, who tend to imitate, or adopt through birth, long standing issues, their foundations risky as they say, surely Wisdom herself would be asking questions, who encourages this fad, and the way hormones are interfered with, leading to aggressive thinking, therefore aggressive actions. To say it short, poverty has a way of making you act different, amen.

But your not able, maybe your not interested, maybe your vaguely mature, maybe your different, maybe you read more, what if, what, the mind is active all the time, he relaxes in the bath, she sleeps longer, they do things together, they, coupling usually means having common activities, you have to leave the office, you can’t hide in front of the screen, so your having communication issues, maybe you were not honest from the start, the relationship wasn’t based on rock, the parable Jesus tells us, foundations have big consequences, same as roots that need a treatment, the parable of the fig tree, Jesus, in those words, you have access to so many solutions, in everyday life, you are given insight into the consequence of your actions.

Look, crime is up, there is a sudden burst in activity, what, a fouling in the system, he has to get a fix, it’s not pleasant, countries go to war, no, people make decisions, that drag countries into wars, its easy to apply it to a people, why are the peace makers pointed to in the words of Jesus.

The defendants in court, the jury, the audience, are they looking at justice, or satisfying another desire, is it the thrill of it, imagine the consequences, the young children are the jurors, the audience, well, lets say, the concerned, the sentence, time to fix your ways, its important, the call for repentance, then those who demand their pain be constant, do they think like Jesus would want them to, why, there is a parable for all this too, measuring, its important to think of the forgiveness you were able to practice, who do you think you’ll share eternity with, a hateful God, or a very forgiving one, well, you are the one that makes the decision, its not complex at all.

The Spiritual accountant, takes account of our balance sheet on eternal matters. Of course you need to balance the needs of the lower and then think, there is the higher, you bossed them here, what will it be like when you are bossed by the eternal, the gates get nearer, the swallow, what did I do to myself, no point wheeling the booze while you admit defeat, think of the 11th hour promise, Jesus.

Francis is ageing, the entertainment is uplifting, the pressure is simple, do we say what we need to say, or are you all following a political ideal. Did you over do your manliness, did it work out, how many did your policies leave in dire consequences, you think your safe, the Apostles remind all, don’t lose your good position, your along the rail, it’s no point getting bunched in, unless you have the turn of foot of a fast colt and have the gap appear in front of you.

Solomon sighed, there is room for maneuver when you have room inside. The reason we have independent judges, not every character is the same, there are background reasons, what does it mean if you don’t apply it, faith matters, Jesus tells all, without love, your faith is seriously weak, how will you calm the storms later, well, can you pray with the full deck of cards, acting won’t crack it at 30,000 feet, there are examples, counterfeit parts that look like the real thing, they fail at the heights, now there are firmer standards.

So you saw what no one should see, heard about threats that never materialized, you were forced to listen, you were a leader, later, you saw the consequences, your soul is humbled, you try again, a little more circumspect, there are babies in the bath as well, you can’t dump the contents, it’s just a matter of thinking, the right way to ease the pain without poisoning the patient, is that the great wonder of the antibodies, even the name, are there places you are not supposed to enter, is there a cleaner practice, or on ruthlessness, just because you might feel scorned, did it ever fill your head, there were others who might have needed you, so its hormonal, the way you are supposed to be, we are born this way, so back to the future, what is this food stimulation thingee, do astronauts cook potatoes and roast beef in space, who’d do that you say, where you are matters, same for your talents, amen.

Its hot in here, there, where, its like this, where, Abraham and Lazarus, sipping the ice cool water, you can’t even find a dirty puddle to ease your dry throat, what an outcome, and your thinking, why were all these stories used to teach us..She sneers, I don’t believe, what does it matter if you don’t like cheese, the heavens are talking and its verifiable, amen.

Of course we get recall, its there to remind us, rules exist to guide you, not condemn you. Jesus was forever reminding us, how those who instruct in Spiritual matter, are like the rest of us at times, they go astray too at times, so don’t make them out to be a form of celebrity, while each generation learns from the previous, just remind yourself, if there are tendencies you’d like not to take with you, that’s the same as someone who goes wrong, we don’t want to ignore the history, a pointer to the Israelite people of Old, the covenant with the Almighty theirs until they dumped the teaching, same as many life lessons, amen, time though, gives you the chance, amen.

Sometimes we get lost in order to restart the life, amen. The peace keeper is not a soldier, and while many are joyful when a strongman is in the seat, Jesus tells us, that its Spiritual food that lasts forever, who recalls the long line of those who started wars, while remembering those that worked to stop them, amen.

Fresh Running Clean Water

Solomon was thinking peace, and hazards in the way. A nice cup of tea, and a slice of Mrs Carey’s world famous christmas cake, would help ease the worries. Being from the prophets, and so many signs, to whom should you ask help, amen.

We are reaching out, we are making good future relatiosahips for our children and grandchildren, we are assisting the journey of those gone ahead of us, what do you mean by that, we don’t want future generations reading all about the hate we actively encouraged, do we now, think of the eternal consequences.

Treasure Box

There is a deep feeling of unease, the mind of the agitator sighs, what else do they have on me, me being, those that will look sharpishly at his contribution to humanity, the retirement wont go sweetly if I keep this up he says, his face more relaxed, of course we want them to have clean running fresh water, and help at healing too, we all have children to worry about. He thinks of his new born grandchild, walls won’t protect him when he has to go out into the world, and with those unstable minds he is actively encouraging in all the wrong ways, what if the Almighty wakes up feeling upset, the movie come to mind, he was watching Danny deVito, the movie, throw momma from the train, what if I lost my future position in heaven, or as Jesus says, what a time to remind me, and I get thrown down to that place of never ending torment. Where do these thoughts come from.

He stops at the flower shop, a little humanised, buys a large bouquet of roses, he sighs, i used to buy them, but that was so long ago, she’ll think I’m up to something, his mind working the way he has trained it, to think abnormally about the most innocent motive. Then he sighs, the little boy will be gurgling when I take him in my arms, and his needs, well, they take over your heart, fresh clean water, what a meagre act in the face of the difficulties some people face daily.

The Institute for the control of thoughts, are plying the emperor with all sorts of random thoughts, its the only way to thwart the changes he intends to make. It brings back the “luciani affair”, if only we had been brave to change, he doesn’t want to imagine been blamed for that too.

Mr Magoo is driving his car, he is thinking along, no harmful ideas at all, just the joy of being there as they say. He stops and pulls his car over, he’s in the country. He needs to stretch his little legs ,grab some air, he check his pocket, the money he needs for breakfast, darn, I left myself short, so what. He turns to get back into the little car, ah he smiles, just when I need you, a fifty note flies on the wind and stops at his feet. He looks up, thanks breeze he says, you always come to the rescue. In the cafe, he buys a felllow diner their breakfast, what was that for says the kind lady, a godsend he smiles, then cheerfully rumbles off. You got to give to recieve, amen.

Did you see the headlines, its only a few cars, thats all, no one got seriously hurt, and the event will remind the people, of the great country they have, power of the Union he says. They look at him. He replies, imagine Moses on the mount, then the 23,000 who dropped dead soon after, whom did they complain to, they all stop talking, pure silence. We need to clear the minds of all that pollution that infects their decision making ability. Doesn’t every family have an array of personalities in them, and like the story, what parable was it he thinks, the memory a little tired, finding fifty on the ground, he thinks of the smiling lady. Ah, the prodigal children, or was it the workers in the vineyard, whatever says Magoo, they will get the relevation when they need it, they always come, and he never disappoints, according to Isaiah, amen.

The intelligence section of the international thought police, are trying to digest, the wisdom of Jesus, working hard to find holes in the argument. They have been working day and night, lookiong for holes in it, like the old days. A colleague sighs deeply, it says he will rule at the return, another colleague interrupts, there is also the tale of the shrewd manager, what says another, the colleague replies, well we can help ourselves. Another colleague sighs, disloyalty could cost you your job you know, well says another, it won’t cost us our souls. The chief of the bureau wonders, is this an emuete as Victor Hugo said, or a revolution in thinking. As if another can hear his words, no, its the promise of Jesus. I don’t want to hear another word about souls, they don’t vote. Meanwhile a chorus of angels smile, the effort to unhinge the people is having the opposite affect, amen.

The aid convoys continue, international discussions are taking place. The past hurts and the long jounrneys some have had to endure, are on the list for discussion, its not the usual, you get this, we concede that, before the conflict spits again. The mental health of so many young, at a time when so much misinformation exists, apart from what the female side of the spirit has had to endure, subdues all thoughts of getting even, its as if the Holy Spirit is going through the room, cleaning out their closets for them, amen.

Can we stop now, she is not used to such intimacy. He stops instantly, an easy move for him, they talk openly, they know each others inside feeling. Its not a half an hour around the corner move, he isn’t addicted., neither is she, they know each other, have common friends, which helps, they are not randomers pretending to be useful or trying to fake the emotions, amen.

The fear he encourages, he has control, the living with it, this constant migraine of anxiety, and he has made it clear, he likes her that way too, its not the mind space she can thrive in, unless she succumbs to his ways, what are the options. The fear resonates, it reaches into other places. The child hears the bombs drop, London 1940, anxious would be too cheap a word for it. The Bombs drop in the 2023’s, for some its considered normal, what will be the mental damage in years to come. International commercial court, remedies do exist, when its knowlingly continued with, when it only takes peace talks to work it out, amen. Are we in the internatinal court of Divine Justice, a worthy thought. Meanwhile, the thought police are out with their placards, peace now they demand, amen.

How many varieties of cars are there. It used to be one type, now its multi types. The ideology might have been seen as reasnable during the days of Stalin, when it get into the heads of the young, we better do something about it, time changes ideologies, amen.

Meanwhile in the cistercian monastery there is great rejoicing. Bernard of Clairvaux, he has returned to us, his words are like a sword from the mouth of the Lord, amen. Back to the eighties he said, Solomon is drinking a healthy juice, those words, how do we, while he mentioned the environmental matter, amen.

He Prays

His trousers is covered in blood, that of a brother. He prays, is trying to stop what is happening, but has services to attend to, the basics are needed on a daily basis. She walks the rubble of what was the school, wonders how long before they are back there, or if they’ll get the chance. She stops at a wounded building, her sister lives inside, she will leave the children with them awhile, she has to go collect her vouchers.

Back in the office, there is a long list of those waiting for assistance. he stamps and stamps, when an old woman looks at him and says, he needs medication too, he looks at her despairingly, what can i do. She climbs the stairs thinking of school, the lost days, what it will mean to them, her children occupy her mind. At the top, she encounters the asylum as she calls it, its non stop and not a very safe place to be, but it has to be done, those are their rules. He spots her, calls her over, she looks at his trousers, yes he says lamely. I’d love to see the children he says, I need them, he waves his hand, as if to say, look what I’m living with. She takes the coupons, she will talk over food later with him. The children, their children, they need her as well, does he need them at the office though, do they need to live this too. She is thinking of the future living. One thought makes her smile, they ended the last great war, and the world recovered some, maybe the same will happen here, amen.

This is Dante’s entrance, what, you have entered the world of the dead, enjoy your stay. He wakes suddenly, what dream is this, a nightmare. What if its true. He thinks of all the bad thoughts he had, those he mistreated, do they all put in a word for you, then he thinks of Esther, the woman who saved the Israelite’s, she was a child of Abraham too. He was never going to talk harm again, promised himself, he’d do his best to be helpful too, amen.

They need you to be seeking peace she says, back in her damaged home, its peace they want, not anxiety ,amen. In five years time will they remember, amen.