Mothers in Flight…

The desperate search, the longing of the heart, all those days of nurture within, then her offspring snatched from her, the long pain begins, where are they, that calling of the heart, where are they, they need to be fed, where are they, she searches in desperation, drives her in all directions, what are you doing to me, why me, the emotions that turn to anger, rage, then the terrible mistakes, when well we be together again, oh the pain, and those who are never told of their true identity, where did this come from, I’m not like the others, the stolen children of the world, its not always gloom,some times they go to better places, maybe they were scared, its one of those things, genius, this should not happen to me, then the feelings, driven insane, do people read manuals on how to achieve this, amen, who would deliberately do this, Solomon on loss and heart break, broken down, no one with time to help, they hear the same story, there is something wrong with her, and then as easy as an apple to pick from the tree, her talents used for nefarious purposes, and they think this is a game, they ought to look up, those are signs of heavenly pursuits, Solomon recalls his little friend, those eyes, and the trips to the monastery, Nivard’s Glory, he sent the evil ones to flite, the way some do it on the green, lets stop and think, then the use of the hurting souls to ramp up the hurt of others, using the hurt of others, farmed for the same affect, the targeting of love, amen. Jesus reminds all, leave it to God, the words used, you will feel pain if you follow me, sometimes, and if tempted to revenge or anger, remember, what heavenly spirit will live peacefully in hearts such as these, amen.

Dear dancer, you warmed my heart with your beautiful song, the thrill of the voice, remember Leonard Cohen, he went through all the stages, had all the hallucination, tried various new thrills, went into depressions, but go through it, fed up, read the flame aloud, you will be inspired, and he is lucid to the very day he passed up, no lunatic, his reverence for God total, and he complained about his own, how far some had moved from the esteemed position, then again, the writers McCarthy hunted, many of them fellow Jews, how they tried to help create a caring America, instead we got the war boom, amen. Its easy to get sucked into all sorts of causes, in need of help, think of yourself, a child of God, and read the holy words of Jesus, the savior of all mankind, and what he tried to teach you all. A CHILD is born with presumed difficulty, the prognosis poor, or the talents undermined, whose sin was this they asked Jesus, that caused such to happen, Jesus replies, perhaps to show the wonders of God. Recall Mozart, Beethoven, the great minds, the slow learners that became world leaders and better, FDR, the times of Sea-biscuit, need a movie, watch the great story, it will help remove depression and end that despairing position.

You move so well, in therapy, she feels good in the arms of true love. I’ll write you a song he says, she looks at him why would you care, he looks at the marks on his chest, the line on his thighs, these he says, that was hanging by a thread, what, the heart that holds you now, relax.

Restaurant blues, am I seeing double, he flies past, like two little birds, hands on heads, do you look like me, what a fine looking fellow, those eyes, and those eyes beside him, what, are they twins, he wonders with a smile, what a beautiful couple, think of Jesus, and or, well, those memories that image inspires, eternal thoughts of happiness and health follow them, and don’t forget, pray direct to God Most High, that’s Jesus again reminding us, he didn’t want to get too big a head himself, enough of that and the trouble it can lead you to, amen.

Treasure Box

Doctor B, this therapy is working wonders, I had the best sleep ever, thinking how well I healed inside, He smiles, it was yourself he said, no one was trying to possess you, you felt free inside, and you said you didn’t like men, that’s just a bad memory, relax. The talk starts again, we have to work on that song, she smiles. Music is such a healer, Leonard says it too, all those with issues inside, music calms. Why are we listening to this,. Salve, the monks of the cistercian abbey, Roscrea. Father Nivard, a resident there, how he inspired so many to hold onto their faith in the Almighty, it is a nice way to ease the heart and mind, there is no anger or angst, just humble men, singing their hearts out, she falls into a sleepy trance beside him. Heart heart hears the words, stay with us Jesus, she feels calm and relaxed, he rubs her shoulders, ah, a little up she says, the neck is tense, its probably your posture dear, a little easing, you can teach this too he says. She looks over the shoulder, I’ll stick like this, your not thinking of letting me go, what. Imagine your in a building, there is a fire, you have to jump, Jesus is watching you, into his arms you land, what, and then you think, Thank God, amen, the angels do exist, just test their integrity., use the holy name, Christ Jesus. Doctor B sighs, I feel you healing, the spirit is working in you. She leans back, the monks are singing, they are for me, she listens, doesn’t need to think. Doctor B says to her, just be aware, when you hold dark thoughts inside you, you can attract the wrong type of angel, just be ware, and if in doubt or finding it troubling, move about and make a cup of tea, there are mind changers who attach themselves, laugh he says, they are being sorted out, but don’t worry, they are sometimes the souls of others, trying to help you, or those in the half way house, trying to warn you. amen. Look whom the cat dragged home!

An hour later they are having a snack at the table, her eyes are not sunk in the head, her chin is up, she looks like new woman. Doctor B roots at the fridge, no comment, amen, when the emotions are awoken, well when coming out of a great depression, just stop a little, you can be most at risk when in that position. He gives her the short advice, she has her nice coat on, on her way to the library, the mind needs to be nourished, and what if I’m not near one, well, there are audio books you can listen to, les Miserables is a great read, even if long, Victor Hugo catches the spirit so well, you won’t want to put it down, and of course, Schindler’s Ark, it has so many lessons, and teaches us all, how the most righteous of people can be fooled when in an emotional black-spot, amen. What she says, war repayments, they impoverished a nation, gave extreme thoughts an open door almost, amen.

The radio is on, Boston, that’s a very Irish style of place. She watches him, Irish, that reputation they have, he hears her thoughts, he hopes they keep their heads, don’t overdo it, it works out in the end, amen.

I slept even better, she has a cake in her hands. You said we could do barter, he looks at her, I said you could do better dear, that drawl, on a sugar awareness diet, too much sugar, how it creates energy in the young, that needs to be burned off, and with the hand computer the gadget of choice, you need exercise to use it wisely, considering all the places it can lead you. Zoning dear, amen. My cousin finny, was that the movie, he might make a great presidential candidate, would help ease their worries, an actor like some of the greats, respected everywhere, well, a short guy on stumps, looking at Arnie, twins, come on, someone must have switched babies, amen.

Did you listen to the monks since he asks. For an hour this week, and did you sleep with a peaceful heart, well, the thought of Christ among us cheered me up and got rid of all those other thoughts, good he says, your making great progress, another cup of tea, she nods. So relaxed, she thanks God, amen.


what is in there, the particles, the scope is checked, magnified, what is that stuff in there, he looks at the research assistant, who is new to the position, the aftermath he says, what does that mean, blood cleansing dear, we can’t use it for serious cardiac cases, its okay for the minor stuff, but nothing that essential. Why the category, should we not dump it out she asks. In the old days it would have been binned, however, we have a constant need for it, and the habits of people, old and young has changed, they are not as strong as they used to be, mother nature he says, we need to be wiser. He dashes off, she is left there thinking. There are prohibitions on the use of bloods. She has heard of blood doping, wonders where the fashion came from, the other stuff, the habits, she knows where they came from, everyone does, the overuse of antibiotics, too much sleep interfered with, who has not got something in there then.

Francis on mercy, the voice is brave, the call is strengthening, support for the man grows, he is reaching out, the use of words so vital, one day soon, he will issue an edict on the misuse of information through language manipulation, the way they try to catch out our politicians, be brave sighs Solomon, so many are manacled by some words, they are in fear of them, they are calling, the lawyer is up all night trying to assuage the client, they won’t take everything, the client mourns, it was only a savings account. The man with the briefcase has more power than anyone, until he meets the divine approach to things.

New members, or new signings, the team is up beat, the supporters are in joy, they are hoping for a new insight, the way the “vocations” are been seen. Francis demands they be treated like the stars themselves. If your ACCEPTED, think of the trust you are going to enjoy, and by the way, we will test it first. Struggling for new blood, Francis smiles, they put us through hardship as if this was the outcome to our mental well being, when its to inspire those seeking the light, the job outline. He thinks, men and and women chosen, they are sent to work together, a remote place, team work, from all the faith groups, if they all work for the same purpose, they ought to find working together easy, or they should. Orientation, you arrive in a new land, it takes time to adjust, your new in the job, you are given time and expected to be slow at first, there are many ways to look it over, makes the caucus in the Americas’ look so simple in comparison, you lose your gone out of the race, a new one is found quickly, unlike the eternal vocation.

There is so much misuse of the Holy Words, and there are those who use their faith, to attract interest in the affairs of others, knowing there is a big interest in all things G-d in these times. Jesus gave us many warnings, what would he say today, the very same thing, be careful, you’ll be fooled and the truth will be falsified, Solomon sighed, in words you can put in the request, amen.

Francis looks at the audience, whom do I have to meet, an aid gives him pointers, and the next, Francis sighs, I don’t work for the civil service, can’t another do this and give me more time, surely they know of the vitality of the times and the signs, words for preparation badly needed, and those that interfere, Francis makes a wry smile, they’ll be asked to explain, amen, we all will.