On a commission..

On the mission, don’t lose hope, there will be troubles. Solomon gets the call, a night journey of sorts. Half an hour before he was just on the phone. The sudden departure is met with bad weather, well, rain, the roads are slippy, accidents can happen. Slow it down, there is green slush on the road, your tyres won’t be able to grip, you’ll stamp on the breaks and slide across the road, perhaps in the ditch or worse. As happened fairly regularly, when Solomon was having a journey and the weather needed improving, it happened as quickly as this is written, just like that. It was as if, a hand from the skies was telling the clouds, move, or the wind needed slowing, it just happened. A big deal for some, well, lets say, the eternal boss knows your needs, and people are sometimes impatient.

The young girl is having trouble sleeping. Night time visitors, its a frightening event. At first they seem friendly, then it gets out of control, a combination of social media inputs and spirits playing with her. She wants to turn their influence off, she is not wanting to harm, but her life appears to have been taken over. She makes inappropriate comments, and doesn’t know what she is doing. Her mother asks The Most High for advice, Jesus in other words. Say the holy name and make a short prayer, it will be like the eternal judge reminding them, well, don’t completely ignore a chance for redemption.

blues brothers

The young man with the prospects is thinking the future for his children. We will have all this opportunity. The same day he reads at the upheaval in the world, mental well being, are people safe in the company of other people, how can i help this, his children and what about their friends and others, those who live in places, where mental well being is a daily challenge. The neighborhood now reaches to the end of the earth as far as business is concerned, its not shop local, its shop everywhere. Maybe I should run for the public office. How many votes would you need. At that moment, the newspaper is open. Such a rarity, they are nearly passed it as far as the electric folks are concerned. They deserve public money to keep them vibrant he thinks. What if they are lost, and the fingers do the work, well, we have clicked, no, three and your a prospect. Does this sound weird or not. At least the journalist is human.

Later, he reads, this can’t be true. Are they importing foreign ideas for social experimental purposes. Its odd. He has invested time in places, a fox on the hunt of the pursuers, not the pursuers on the hunt for the fox. The mob will be the mob always. Point left, they run left, point right, its right. When they get tired, they try something else. Not one to abandon the hopeless, Jesus thought, and Uriel tells Esdras; when God is with you, nothing is impossible.


The mission ennio morricone

Is this a novel from a brilliant mind. Was there too much or was it enough. What sort of spirits did he make a deal with, this stuff is extra ordinary, do they write stories and then write the cures later. Invisible people roaming the earth trying to steal your identity. of course not, Jesus has arrived and they are seeking any safe space in order to avoid His influence, amen.

Anyway, Benny Dolphin, counsellor supreme, is preparing notes. Well, testing the wine. Ah, nice and chewy, bit of a bite to that, he can hear the taste almost. Barney is off on a gallivant, so he says. Ah, there you are, orla appears out of his cottage. They are having a party at the magic hotel tonight. Benny looks over his style glasses, he wants to appear studious, they give him the professor look. Too much reading to do, and those parties he says, they can be anything. What, says orla. Benny smiles, he will be there later himself, amen.

She is reading the news, hopes to be a mother one day. Many women are put off at the thought of such a fundamental issue. They worry about the future, and how their children will fare. Its a fear that is talked up by social media. And its also a pointer, to the state of the environment. What can I do, asks this media influencer. Is leaving it to others doing enough.

Solomon thinks about the different levels of anxiety many are going through. Its not a bad time or worrying time, if you are preparing for the world eternal. If you think this world is the end of things, there is much to show, this is not the case.

Meanwhile, George thinks to himself. Four years only, a chance to put in place, safety measures, then having all the time in the world to enjoy the life ahead, with family worries at a minimum, and a nations spirit restored, good life’s work.

Meanwhile in Rome, they ask, how will we be recalled, amen.

In the strange worlds of psychic interference, what happens to those who bend the minds of others, and does this do any harm to their well being. What does Jesus say on such things.. Its dark down there, amen.

Transgender in Love

Hurtful well spoken thoughts, how they can cause offence. Explaining them clearly. Its not a case of them or us. Reality and pressure, a dialogue that needs to be explained. In some parts, there are those that experiment on thoughts, and how to access them. Its not a TV program, its a reality, cloning the thought process, whose thoughts though. Jesus will help you explain things. Transgender, it simply means there are those that are lost in the old ways, and seek meaning in their lives. The only conspiracy, those that dabble in that area for nefarious purposes. Certain folks start off life slowly, their gifts not yet ready in themselves. They can be assisted to develop faster, maybe they need active stimuli. Birds can see light the human eye can’t, amen.

To say we are against such people, is a false impression when spouted out with clear reasoning. So a document is issued, its a talking work, it needs to be discussed. The carpet has got so high in what we try to hide, we tend to ignore it. Who wants to discuss what they don’t want to understand. In short, pray for wisdom to come and help you, and as Jesus says, be patient. Its not a magic wand, amen.


You can’t understand the frustrating thoughts inside, think of this, your inner glands, and what is secreted there, everyone has them. When the glands work, your health is naturally good. What is illness, put heat stored in the wrong places. Its why healthy exercise burns off the excess heat inside. Or imagine the workplace where one gender dominates the environment, the angst felt by those who are most sensitive. We know this now, its an awareness that is being dealt with. Or imagine the boy who is shamed when young, the memory that lasts, the errant behavior later.

Solomon was appealing to those who have spiritual influence. Think it out, whom are you appealing to, are you aware of the sensitive nature of so many.


Later, he sits over a coffee. Spirit well being is so vital to a healthy soul. He recalls the Sunday drive, the monastery gates, the light from above, the light in the Holy Space. Take back the comment, intimate living, how is the space being treated. A mother gives birth, its been six months, the need to recuperate. Is she ready, her body has undergone serious realignment, the baby’s skull is soft on top to help with the removal, she might have had to be cut, maybe in love, a little thought should be given to the matter. Barney Dolphin looks at Benny Dolphin, how come this sort of thought is not common. Benny sighs, why do the oceans heat up and why have we delayed taking action. Barney smiles, is that the job your preparing me for. Benny smiles with delight, his pupil is learning fast. Did I tell you barney about the day the cloud arrived, or the night the stardust fell on me. Barney sighs, Of course Benny Dolphin, who could ignore all that, amen. And don’t forget the Kilmallock rescue either, barney smiles, we are all little miracles, you sure are sighs Benny.

I’ve to get some space, Barney watches the Benny slide off his shower chair, and into the water. The old monk looks on. I’ll have the biscuits ready when you return. Benny takes some thoughts with him into the great outdoors, where he can dwell on thoughts, uninterrupted. We need to think outside the box, amen.

Help your thoughts, story telling, the happy stories we listen to, they are online now, you don’t even need to read. The gingerbread man, the fairy tales, how they help us to understand, and we feel good afterwards, all the bad stuff dealt with, you sleep like a king should. None of that big time stuff, wait until your older, your maturity grows up with you, that’s what Uriel the Holy Angel of God told Ezra, its in the second book. And if you find it difficult sometimes remember what Uriel says, with God’s Help nothing is impossible, and that sort of advice will not lead you into danger, amen.