Transgender in Love

Hurtful well spoken thoughts, how they can cause offence. Explaining them clearly. Its not a case of them or us. Reality and pressure, a dialogue that needs to be explained. In some parts, there are those that experiment on thoughts, and how to access them. Its not a TV program, its a reality, cloning the thought process, whose thoughts though. Jesus will help you explain things. Transgender, it simply means there are those that are lost in the old ways, and seek meaning in their lives. The only conspiracy, those that dabble in that area for nefarious purposes. Certain folks start off life slowly, their gifts not yet ready in themselves. They can be assisted to develop faster, maybe they need active stimuli. Birds can see light the human eye can’t, amen.

To say we are against such people, is a false impression when spouted out with clear reasoning. So a document is issued, its a talking work, it needs to be discussed. The carpet has got so high in what we try to hide, we tend to ignore it. Who wants to discuss what they don’t want to understand. In short, pray for wisdom to come and help you, and as Jesus says, be patient. Its not a magic wand, amen.


You can’t understand the frustrating thoughts inside, think of this, your inner glands, and what is secreted there, everyone has them. When the glands work, your health is naturally good. What is illness, put heat stored in the wrong places. Its why healthy exercise burns off the excess heat inside. Or imagine the workplace where one gender dominates the environment, the angst felt by those who are most sensitive. We know this now, its an awareness that is being dealt with. Or imagine the boy who is shamed when young, the memory that lasts, the errant behavior later.

Solomon was appealing to those who have spiritual influence. Think it out, whom are you appealing to, are you aware of the sensitive nature of so many.

Later, he sits over a coffee. Spirit well being is so vital to a healthy soul. He recalls the Sunday drive, the monastery gates, the light from above, the light in the Holy Space. Take back the comment, intimate living, how is the space being treated. A mother gives birth, its been six months, the need to recuperate. Is she ready, her body has undergone serious realignment, the baby’s skull is soft on top to help with the removal, she might have had to be cut, maybe in love, a little thought should be given to the matter. Barney Dolphin looks at Benny Dolphin, how come this sort of thought is not common. Benny sighs, why do the oceans heat up and why have we delayed taking action. Barney smiles, is that the job your preparing me for. Benny smiles with delight, his pupil is learning fast. Did I tell you barney about the day the cloud arrived, or the night the stardust fell on me. Barney sighs, Of course Benny Dolphin, who could ignore all that, amen. And don’t forget the Kilmallock rescue either, barney smiles, we are all little miracles, you sure are sighs Benny.

I’ve to get some space, Barney watches the Benny slide off his shower chair, and into the water. The old monk looks on. I’ll have the biscuits ready when you return. Benny takes some thoughts with him into the great outdoors, where he can dwell on thoughts, uninterrupted. We need to think outside the box, amen.

Help your thoughts, story telling, the happy stories we listen to, they are online now, you don’t even need to read. The gingerbread man, the fairy tales, how they help us to understand, and we feel good afterwards, all the bad stuff dealt with, you sleep like a king should. None of that big time stuff, wait until your older, your maturity grows up with you, that’s what Uriel the Holy Angel of God told Ezra, its in the second book. And if you find it difficult sometimes remember what Uriel says, with God’s Help nothing is impossible, and that sort of advice will not lead you into danger, amen.

Archive Reports

Monthly Archives: December 2013

God in a Nutshell, part 1

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God in a nutshell – Part 1

God, how we make him smile, ever see sparkles in a little ones eyes, tears of joy in one who lost hope, who finds it again, life is more than a game, it’s a love match, a balance act between hearts, it’s the part we play in life, getting it right, not all the time, we are expected to mess up, it’s why we are born again, Jesus didn’t get on with too many Pharisee’s, not many of today’s religious leaders,  or those that deem themselves above those they serve, spin doctoring won’t save you, honesty might, judge it for yourself, the chances of making it to heaven, these topics of interest to you, suppose they are, just a question of believing, loving, meaning forgiving readily too, and acting in that fashion. Reminding others of their faults is an invitation for evil to arrive, the bitterness it creates even if you don’t show it. Seems so simple, what is water, very simple, source for life.

Check out the picture in the Sky, and don’t press your nose against the screen, stand back, and you’ll set it all clearly.

More Books for The Living….paddy’s Honda fifty…

The Honda fifty, and like Christy Moore said, was he shifty. The hill people, the late night brandy and chat, the old man, the forge, and who Solomon imagined, had seen quite a lot. Who’d tempt fate on that man. Songs are written, great journeys, attempts at freedom, Solomon sighed, the news, they are cut off, why, the solution, the new universal security force takes possession for peace keeping and set up purposes, of the new Palestine, Christ like, men and women of mixed heritage, live like normal people, not like people living in ghettos; who fear every intrusion, and are filled with suspicion, that is farmed by political types, but not all of them. Well, don’t blame your politicians, to get elected is a major achievement in this socially meandering world, if they told you the truth always, you’d be like sheep on the run, taking refuge in whoever offers the nearest short term solution, while wondering, how long it will last, a meaningful peace lasts, and that’s like an old marriage, its tough at times, but like those promises, you work to work it out, amen.

The old man was not your average old man, there was wisdom, and knowledge of human nature, had seen enough, from both sides, knew how easily people are led or disturbed, it is not difficult to figure out if you have patience and a good ear.

The Gaza situation, its a small space, there are many, its where do you go when your homeland is stolen from you, what is it you do, turn away, do we have roots, what did Jesus say, or those who believe in Jesus more importantly. Many to this day, run a list of excuses, that’s their way, to admit to the wisdom of the great teacher, is also to admit your shortcomings in spiritual terms, and that’s a compliment, read what Jesus says on those who lack spirit, their needs will be filled when they turn towards him, words echoed in the prophets, amen.

Mental anxiety, disturbed politicians, what next, Solomon was thinking of the role of the feminine character of us all, in bringing peace to nations, Africa and the female leaders, do mothers have a greater interest in the living, well, their children hung by the umbilical cord long enough ,were fed through it, and are birthed when they are left from it, to get on with the living. Nature tells us of this wonder, perhaps the birds and animals should be put in pens, separated from each other, while man sets out to feed them, well, there are over a billion bellies that go without on a regular basis, man needs to improve as they say. if you can issue strategic instructions to launch a war, surely they can feed a few people, rather than have the news of famine take control of the news, amen.

Francis and his advisors, who are the advisors, what are they advising on. The Spirit is supposed to ignite life, energy, not the staid expression of politics, well, Jesus Christ didn’t care too much for who was in command, you get on, pass the spirit on, it wasn’t a choreographed situation, made to look like, something real was actually happening. So the music is brought into the rooms, the sound lifts the hearts, new thoughts are allowed to flow, the source of evil detached from the situation, the old fears negligible, we actually work for the One True God, and eternity is the destination, what do we have to fear, we are all believing.

We can’t say this, we are allowed to think this, that’s all right, you can do all that, who puts such a strange set of thoughts into heads, meanwhile those, misled, with despotic leadership, are forced to follow rules or face the road to Coventry, we were doing it for your health, Solomon heard all the arguments, the double talk was impressive, could no one say it straight, or were they looking for a sycophant to take the chair, amen.

Her eternal loving heart holds the keys, there are others like her, they bring good news, the world they live in, promotes harmony, there is no thrust of the hormones, and everyone goes home in good cheer, the personal stuff will be dealt with in private. Francis closes the door to his study, a breath of fresh air, he hears the lament of the tango singing, it reminds him, we are all young at times, we need more of it. They are too stuffy at times, this grace and that grace, just tell me your name, I’ll call you that, your servants after all, but you act like kings, what is the meaning of this, I am, looking at the gates to the next journey, I want to see the light, not the fear some of you practice and promote so readily. Don’t you know why we are what we are, they will look at me and wonder, they will try to blame age, Francis looks up, I know he says, they will get better, he has a new set of plans for them, and they don’t know much about it, a sweet surprise, it will help them up and lose their fears, amen.

Solomon smiled, the thought of polar bears on the outside, clawing at the ice building, while those inside offer food offerings, then the peace, while the bears do their thanks thing, nice to know you were thinking of us, or was it the new ice shelters for those bent on doing foundational courses, its not like the old days, amen.

There were those stuck in sludge valley, and while they are on show, it’s a good time to think of Celestine and others, there are many who try to make us aware of the divine interest, and to never give up that feeling. There are also those, who dare anger the spirit, who try to unwind the spirit, who ignore all advice, while thinking they can justify it somehow, let them find out for themselves, its written in the books, amen, did you help gather or what, amen.