Welcoming Signs of Peace…

The mother wonders if its true, the keys to her own home, a space, this is our scene, the children can close the door, mess and play, no anxiety, no continuous stress, the living Spirit of God, how did Jesus describe it, the where to run to run for the living, Uriel and Esdras, its inside, that is the space you need to prepare, freedom in the heart, Solomon on the great signs, The plow overhead, a story from the old Books, swords into plowshares, the changing world, the brave first steps, how many girls went through the procedure, what was it for, the need to stop, the space inside you, to whom, the signs are showing, in a short space of time, a cluster of indications, the three wise men, does it need to be examined more closely, do we lose its significance at Christmas, the support actors to that great scene, they were alerted from other places, the holy angels came to warn then, the skies show them, there will be signs, and the signs thereafter, what is the basic meaning, sounds like, well, the meaning can change, the audio or the reading, the computer can work, only with human help, The show got on, the three wise men show up. Kings, the gifts they bring with them, to where do they go when they leave, to whom do they return.

Jesus and the Spirit, the three men are guided, the source of life in one place, the threat of the spiritual kingdom, far greater than anything material, it helps you in the most surprising situations.

The words are on the lips, the story of Mrs Merkel, they pour scorn on her decision, they expected violence, they talked up anxiety, all there was was peace. Nelson Mandela, the years in captivity, he has been restricted for so many years, what will he do to us, our power was by forceful means, we are now asked to trust, well, we said we were the trusting kind, now we have to prove it, live the talk, out of the blue, we are put in the situation, show us, Jesus on faith, deeds are your way of showing it.

How would they have reacted in olden times to the signs. Jesus on the pharisee’s of those times, lets not repeat the reminder, however, when the signs of the Eternal One’s appear in the sky, it’s helpful to say the least, amen. So we learn to communicate, why fear the talk of peace, whom are you trying to protect, while the Almighty looks on.

The Lightness of Being

The life of a tiny insect, can twist turn roll over fly breath and navigate all at the same time, how is it so light inside, what distractions has it to deal with, apart from the chemical threat. What does the bee have on it’s conscience; the well being of his queen, nothing else occupies his time. Does the bee carry the troubles of the world, does he wake every morning seeking revenge,does he wake angry, amen.

How can the inner Spirit fly,if it’s weighed down by the troubles of the world, even of the heart. What does it mean to having a conscience,for many,it’s avoiding it. What does the arrival of the Spirit from on high, have on the human mind, provided you have space for it, to reside inside you, you got it, lightness of being,amen.

There are those who seek to undermine the wellness of being, creating crisis after crisis, so many in fact, they can think of nothing else. Is there a cure for this, many ask. Seeking the light, in the words of Jesus, that peace is already inside you, amen. Jesus sent a mob of demons into a herd of pigs, there were so many of them. Join the dots, make space for Jesus Christ in your life, and free yourself from the demons, amen.

Toned Abs lean thighs

Have to build exercise into the daily routine. We need to work the muscles, we need to push the lungs, the heart, we want to look our best, nothing controversial. The well being, that inner feeling, fits nicer too, the clothes. It’s good to be happy with your shape, good for the mental health too, lean, toned abs, nice thighs, attractive to your sex, it’s all connected. The outward and inner feeling, the effort is worth it. If only we had such an attitude towards our spiritual selves.

Why is it so vital that we improve our connectivity to God. Help, without making ourselves worthy, we put the existence of the planet on a knife edge. The heat, the changes, the abs might look good in the mirror, but that won’t make the Spiritual impression so badly needed now,amen, appearances are not everything,even if many think, that’s all there is, along with money.

Twin Peaks

There is always one mountain that is higher than the rest, there is also the Spirit, that is higher than the rest, the bigger the power station, the greater the output. There are economies that thrive, there are economies that seem to thrive, but they are not like the rest. A restaurant opens, the man starts small, builds up the trade, eighteen hour days, his family support and work, their toil keeps it alive. Then there are the restaurants that appear to be a business, but are not, they compete with the 16 hour a day owner, who has to struggle to raise cash,while his competitors sail on regardless. The staff in the sixteen hour a day operation, are living locally, they don’t change too often,they are loyal to the boss, while the staff in the seeming to appear like a restaurant, their staff turn over regularly, their loyalty to the owner, non existent. Twin peaks, success seems to be real. Twin Peaks, Spirit seems to be real. What is the point to the story.

Jesus had to overcome the bias of those who controlled the religious rackets that were going on. The priests at the time,controlled access to the temple,commerce in a nutshell, and when Jesus complained, they were using the reputation of God to cheat people, he earned the scorn of those who had the population under control. In a nutshell, you served God, you lived for ever, you served money, you didn’t, amen. Before world war two, and soon after it started, the Nazi party made it clear,what they intended doing to those who disagreed with them, {we don’t need to remind anyone of the horrors}. But once the world got wind of such pending danger, the red cross was invited by the Nazi’s, to come visit a town, they specially constructed, in order to convince the concerned people of the world, that they were treating these concentration camp prisoners,wonderfully, the rest is history.

Where the Spirit of God is at work,blessings flow.When that Spirit is harmed in a serious way, the protection of God walks away, well, since they don’t want that sort of Spirit around, they don’t have their eyes set on eternity, amen.

Lessons in Time

How could it have been allowed, the thoughts, the millions who had their lives taken in the second great war, how do we explain the bloodshed, the loss. What is the lesson. The people devoted to God are rounded up, transported, mentally broken down, freedom, the space they have inside, so little of it, they accept death easily. What is the lesson?.

Spirit breaks down, the body worn down, no outlets for escape, the pain continuous, how do you deal with it all and remain sane. Eternity, is the answer. There is the Kingdom of God, there is the book of the living, there is the book of the dead, there is wisdom and truth in the old writings, it wasn’t arranged to fool anyone. As the prophets said, they will curse you, hate you on account of your belief in the One above. But the reality is, those that make such threats are not of God, so don’t fear death itself, it’s just part of the transformation of the soul, amen.


In the beginning, it was simple, social distractions were minimal, then as time passed, our laws and customs developed, along with our confusion. Now we have a world, where many are totally confused, many rational people acting very strangely indeed, as evidenced by the news, and the uttering’s of some. Children pick up the habits they are around,and when there is little guidance, confusion reigns, this is well known. But Most importantly, whatever way you love or who you love, it’s perhaps that this is an opportunity for people to unite in loving fellowship, rather than in personal fellowship, meaning, acceptance of our differences.

Never forget, there has been the color bar, which many are working on, the gender war, women and their second class status in the minds of some, religions that scorn the active woman preacher, men only for so long, it’s changing too, then you wonder, how did I come to think this way, who influenced me, add in the love of the ego, and those encouraging too much that way to love, which isn’t healthy without balance, add in the protesting nature of young people getting their influences from strangers online, many of them malicious minded as all the bullying can prove, ask a school principal, then, your own position in that great mess, further emphasized by the natural environment and it’s potential collapse without drastic consumption changes, who wouldn’t be confused, and seeking solace, amen. Finally, the survivor gene, that forces us to change internally, amen.

When children are small, you give them milk, they grow, they eat more fibre, and with more and more children reared without the full parental allotment as they say, important in the context of how we were made, all those chemicals in the diet too, too much sugar, over emphasis on sexual matters, when too young, who wouldn’t be confused,even trying to work it out, the combinations, a new input ever other week, what was easy, once, birthing, the record number of women needing fertility treatment, etc etc.. who can make sense of it, amen.

Treasure Box

What am i worth

No, it’s not about who is the richest and therefore, the most responsible, no, it’s the plight of an uneducated boy or girl,fifteen or sixteen years old, what’s my worth in this world. No bank account, no economic assets, no home, no clean water, just about surviving, and glad at that, what am I worth they ask, who values me, in a world that puts the material first nearly every time. You need proof, we think better than that,well, the gap between rich and poor is so vast, it’s the distance from Hell to Heaven, whatever that is.

What am i worth, i want to feed my sisters and brothers, but education is in short supply, that tyrant the west supported stole our wealth and gave it away in binding contracts to others, their friends, what am I worth. A side note, if the tyrant acted against the wishes of his people, there is a good chance that all contracts the tyrant signed,could be voidable, just thinking outside the box. Criminal behavior is not in the interests of any nation. Mass tort lawyers, there are hidden gold mines everywhere you look, open your eyes, think fees, wow, doesn’t money get your intention. I just won a load of easy cash,everyone hears, is someone sowing the seeds of envy,or worse, are they doing it intentionally, amen.

The old chestnut, she knows what other girls do, will I she wonders, her choices, now very stark indeed. A big smile, the plane is loaded with cash filled pockets, the money always appears, but there has to be SPECIAL reason, your own pleasure. She dress’s the way the others girls do, attention is instant,is that all there is. After your first time you will soon get used to it, but if your nervous,try these, her old friend hands her some pills. Pills she says, looking at the dots in her palm, i don’t even drink. Her friend frowns, but tries to hide it, she will learn soon enough she thinks.

Hello, this is God’s world, not ours. even that piece of paper that says you own this and that,it will all be forgotten quickly, when you are given reminders of the last great interview in this life; what you did with it, amen. Is the environment strong, is there clean water, change subjects, how about the human environment; mind gamer’s, our fixation with our ego, change the subject fast, we are all in this together, then you remember the kind old lady who was a giver all her life, you immediately think, eureka, we are not all the same, and whoever peddles such stuff, is one global liar,amen. What am I worth you ask?


Jesus spent a lot of time changing plans,on account of the inordinate amount of spying he had to deal with, is was as if He was dealing with a cult. Trying to trick him out was almost a daily experience,and all his habits were reported on, in order to dismiss his credibility with those following, same as goes on in modern life. If you want to harm someone,seek ways to cause damage, amen. So from the start, there was trouble, even as a small baby, the lengths his parents had to go, in order to protect Him. If there is one word that sums it up, they made it difficult for Him from the beginning until the end, amen. They hoped it was an end, but happily for the world, it was only the beginning before the great return.

How will religions fare on the spying front, how will God Most High treat those who undermine Spirit,as those who spy, are generally, very wicked, amen. Considering the times, and all those wonderful signs, maybe all the religions need a big clean up,amen.


What a concoction, strained misled tired old folks, struggling to pay for healthcare, which is free in most places across the globe, why you ask, we need money, who doesn’t, but health care too, prisons, tax breaks for building them, is there anything you can’t sell, genes perhaps, add in the poor people, of all color, those that want to argue too, a few white love themselves only types, fans of adult Hitler too, led by a cartoon man who knows how to caress the imagination, and has lots of money and supporters he enjoys to tease, and you wonder what happened to the United States, loopers.

Al Capone got lots of fame too, was a charitable contributor too, paid not enough tax, sounds familiar, loopers. The media of course, used every crime or act of Alphonse to sell the papers,while reminding those with little or no prospects,that life is not over, you can be an Alphonse too, and your name will be in the papers too, and we wonder where it all came from, and guess who explains it all, the same papers that helped create the monsters. Jesus would have proper words for them, has, the seeds you sow, the crop you reap, usually your own doing, amen.

India, America, Off shore finance, and I can go to the beech….

Freedom, I am allowed to meet my friends, freedom, I can visit friends, freedom, there are many meanings to the word, but will the world ever be as it was, pre virus, will there be a lasting legacy, since us humans are prone to emotional inputs, your life is at threat, it’s a big question, everyone for themselves,well, my life is more important than yours, hello, they have just issued a decree, you can go for a swim too, meanwhile, they search for oxygen, just to grasp some relief, many ask, how did it come to this.

Off shore finance, the wealthy list is published, is it the ring the bells moment, any tact, one post shows the price of teenage girls in South America, you ask, what message are they trying to sell, people are dying, it’s no conspiracy, mother earth wins the Irish 1,000 guineas, meanwhile there is post after post about the oxygen crisis; if they can send men and women into space, surely everyday problems such as oxygen supplies, is basic, amen.

Human industry, we have talents, used, solutions, why the constant fear, there has to be a simple answer, space. The Year of 2020 vision, it could not have been any clearer, the beech though, friends excited, fun, we haven’t met for awhile, freedom, what else is there to fill the minds with.

Solomon recalled the readings of old, and the deep truth, a time when Faith was strong, leaders leading, not building empires, there was respect for God, had anyone read Isaiah lately, if they hadn’t they should. Jesus read the text regularly, is quoted, as if pointing us in that direction, Had there ever been so many weather changes in so short a time, amen.