Inside Joy

Jesus didn’t spy on bedroom antics, he taught respect. He didn’t complain about who you ate with, or the rituals, it was more important to focus on the issues that divided people. The creation of guilt, the thought police, Orwell’s warning fits into today’s world. Am I allowed say this, will I be punished. The very things some used to criticize those who they claimed denied the rights of others is what those that did the criticizing are doing to their own today, causing all sorts of mental anxiety.

Does anyone care many ask, does love come with a price, do you have to give to receive, is it a barter.

The prophet smiles, you need healing, simple as, start with loving feelings, not everyone starts the same, then as you feel good, lift the feeling, put yourself in the crowd that was there, when Jesus taught the people. In your head, your ears are filled, no dark can get in, and then imagine the gift you are going to be given, to cast out the demons. You only have to believe, amen. In those days, the demons were terrified of Jesus. they knowing the eternal power therein. That Spirit still exists today, amen.

She smiles in her dreams. Thinking of you makes me feel so good, no one can do this. A voice calls, old fears, appearing as a menace. In her secret thoughts, she says, Jesus rescue me. She has been working on faith, the threat simply disappears, goodbye, amen.

Attack of the Mars Bars

The new Bill Murray Movie, what, is that what you call humor. We need to laugh, where else do you find space, I said it first, as if its an election your seeking, not elation for having been considered inventive, when all you are is a thief of the ideas of others, whatever, the computer dick, who spends all his time at the PC, is that correct, cancel culture, Jesus would have thought the same, lets not become a cross dresser, where will the anger go, haha, no one smiles, paper stuff, you can print it, maybe it should be gold bars in space, and the name they give to celebs, then when children repeat the same, they get in trouble, who’d believe it, amen.

Goat juice, what, the taste, were not telling the goat that it’s smelly, it’s just that, when you have trouble telling stuff, you remind them of something, that helps them throw up, when they ache to let it out, rather than point in another direction, fear or blackmail, the president has laundry, it’s not that rare, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth, the effort to curtail his opinions, what about the story of the emperors clothes, no one believes until it’s too late, he saw a goat, he turned into an animal, the unbelievable, they send them to an institution, what is the story, Jesus appears to some, the pharisee’s demand a miracle, the clues, the demon can take on many styles, the protection, what is it, character, the many meanings, but while not all are flyers, they were all called birds, the emu for example.

Those with the means, perhaps create envy in others, why be surprised, it’s why sharing and stuff helps the equation, the Russians lose twenty million in the second war, who remembers, the gloss, many of them Jews, why the antipathy, others find it hard to imagine, the world fancies cancel culture, who’d want to forget the story of Jesus, when does the madness stop, when the Almighty connects using everyday, our eyes see but we don’t believe, they set traps for Jesus, they continue, the impostors and more, confusion is sown, what happens to the Spirit, the noose appears to tighten, then the real Spirit arrives, now the impostors are looking over the shoulder, about time, so here is the story of the goat Juice Cafe, it serves yucky sauce, for starters, Sultan Benny’s fresh acquired delicacy of Goat balls, the supreme of bulls balls for main course, what would you want for dessert, and they wonder, why would you ask, what’s for dessert before you sit down to eat.

Back to space, why the gap, are you not snug enough, ah, well the mars bars have been cancelled, too much space for the space ship, they’ll be light food by the time you get there, what is that, gravity, the horse or the human cramps when expected to exercise after a feed, why the need for special food in high altitude spaces, do we expect too much of our extreme athletes, the media has a field day, what can we do to bring this guy down, anything sexy enough or devious enough, money sex power influence, envy, pride, the attitude of the writer, I saw it live in Vietnam, I’ll get a Booker for this, the glory nights, what is this, what are you trying to encourage, what’s this.

You can buy the jury, you buy most of them, it’s not that we are beyond influence, what is it you need, what can be taken away, the plaudits may help the ego to float, but when it gets near the gates, your bowels will open and all that stuff will come out of you, imagine space travel on a full stomach, go on, get sick over the controls, what, throw up, taste this super juice, what’s it called, the sultan’s special brew for those who abuse their gifts, what, it’s called goat juice, it reveals the real you, ewe, sheepish moments, the judgement in Jesus’s words, separates the goat from the sheep, it’s a manner of talking, lost in translation, but a parable all the same, amen.

So you need space food at high altitudes, even the pilots of the famed spitfire has to have a diet to work the controls, how we judge without knowing, amen. Silence.

Lance meantime wonders, what happened to humanity, the service to others, he was no billionaire, had a good relationship, there are many such examples, the good work forgotten, same with eaten food, who supported you, why did church holds on the flock, often demand that they accept no help from the strangers, the story of the good Samaritan, who was righteous in the eyes of the Almighty, why the continuous effort to point out the faults of others, why did Jesus get mentioned for his activities with so called sinners, why, the pharisee’s and their view of utopia, lets make it clear, the parable, the loads they put on those they are supposed to lift, while listening to the devious who have only plans for themselves, it’s written in the books, and you wonder why the don’t have mars bars in space, like the Japanese who love to make noise while eating, in space, you sometimes need silence, amen.

Senor Benny Carey on sugar an children, the diet, it matters, how to program children, the lesson, in order to encourage food into children, or a population, they add sugar, at the start it appears innocent, then the obesity crisis later, lessons are learned, then children refuse to eat their vegetables, why you ask, they used to be sweeter in the past, the sugar content always there, or as the Indians say, they used to drink from sweet water, until they polluted them, amen. More the carrot less of the stick, how children are made fearful so easily, listen if you have ears, amen.

8 Billion Persons

That’s a lot of mouths to feed, that’s a lot of rethinking, that’s a large number, and given the environment, changes are much more meaningful, and that’s not just politics. The story of the lady who campaigned for the welfare of women, the problems in the Spiritual business, the women who had large families, wondering where the food will come from, the talk of the priest, as if the inability to feed your family is sacrifice, as if the earth didn’t provide for it, the failure to apply wisdom, but insist upon the old ways, same as when Jesus arrived, and the plot to deny the truth, 8 billion is rather a large number.

The first words from the mouth of Jesus, the girl recovers, feed her, give her bread. The loaves and the fish, feed them, it does not sound as if the notion of food is just a current issue, it has always been an issue. What do they feed the minds with, what sort of compulsions do they breath into people, the needy concoction, it’s all about me, me never figured in the Gospel of Jesus, now shown to be true, delivered.

The woman in the story, Vicky, she has a dream, the fate of women, don’t allow it to pass, Solomon wondered about the issues women face. Raising a child should be trouble enough, but add in the stress that they are surrounded with, the knock on affect, and the mantra of before, things never change, it won’t be repeated again, and as for the men, with an abhorrence to the standing of the female, they are lesser than men some seem to imagine, as if we lived in the prairies of the 1800’s and surrounded by hostiles who were trying to steal them, when the enemy is already within, we gave birth to children, we endure the pain, we take care of them, and we don’t forget, would it not be great if men were so dedicated, rather than having to be brought to the brink, before, well, maybe, well, but, that’s cute, it’s time to rethink the game of life, amen.

The invasion of the space inside, one way of looking at the issue raised, what sort of stress causes such harm, why do we have to raise the issue, did the souls of the earth not recognize the growing issues. Now we have 8 billion souls, prophetic signs, and telling changes, amen.

Solomon sighed, the schemers and the triers. Imagine getting to the pearly gates, the load of your existence with you, this is what you take with you, and allowances for the start you had, some had it easy, there is a parable on this, Abraham and Lazarus, but to get to the finish line, and explain yourself, a thought worth thinking about. Jesus raises the Spirit, amen.

Albino Luciani

The 33 day pope, the reasons, perhaps pointed, referring to another, at 33 years, who made the world think of the world above. God acts in mysterious ways, and when it comes to change, usually sends the reminder, like the tax returns, you better see the accountant, as to what the bill is going to be.

Solomon sighed; there are those who seek to subvert, the ways of the evil ones. Getting the boxing term right, when the other fellow has a longer reach, you need to get in close to change the result, it’s not all bad news, but the ways of change or those that claim to be changing, can often be misleading, like the story, the real identity comes to mind, often too late, so the story goes. Perhaps, there were those who were encouraged to serve, same as those that go into marriage, for fear of saying no, or being unable to say no.

The world is at the point of population rush, the need to curb the produce, its not an effort to curb the spirit, despite what some may think. The victim in all of this, is Mother Nature, who had to extend herself in order to provide for her children, the lack of resources, leading to ways that were perhaps not good for the long term, same as those who pick the words from the holy books while ignoring the entire, it can lead to much that seems correct but is in fact misleading.

Now, as we look back, at the characters, it’s easy to see abhorrence in some parts, while making hero’s out of those, with no heart in them altogether, may we be guided by the Holy Spirit, and not the material spirit, that can be so absorbing, that we forget about God entirely, amen.

Solomon sighed, he recalls the day, the cloud appeared, and how the world had changed ever since, as if we are ever alone, amen.

The 33 Day Pope

The story, a tale of Hollywood intrigue, the reality, such timing, the man who wanted to give back freedom to the soul, not one of those that wanted to dampen the output of the soul, or needed to control, the shepherd is not there to control the sheep, protective, like a loving mother or guardian, the story of Albino Luciani, the humble smiling pope, who had radical thoughts for the day, say the population issues, the strange attitude to normal human relations, and the lack of God in those who were supposedly the servants of God, then dies in strange circumstance, interesting, the story, the results though, seen years later, show the true depth of the man, given the issues facing the world, amen.

It’s not a witch hunt, it’s not a blame game, it’s not a conspiracy, it’s the human folly, trying to delay, the obvious, the stuff we want to put off, the Story of Albino Luciani, is a story worth recalling, the current Pontiff, trying to bring about change, would do well to re read the story, it will give one, an insight, remove many of the prejudices, and allow for greater harmony and understanding in the world.

Solomon sighed, we need to think of the past to understand the now. Jesus is in his home town, they hear news of his abilities, they expect to see the same, he asks, the question is posed in the gospels, now shown to be true in real time, how do you connect to the healing spirit, why does the truth matter, what does the truth do to the spirit inside, what is the meaning of a true confession, how it removes the tension inside, and the freedom thereafter, as the baggage is set aside while the lessons are learned. Jesus fell three times on the way up the hill, it wasn’t automatic, he ate he slept had brothers sisters, was very much like us, and gave entire credit to the Father, never taking the plaudits himself, and gave promises, of the Holy Spirit, and that spirit, where does in find rest, does in not require the truth, amen.

She looks across the room, the party in full swing, she is not there to fill the place, she enjoys making friends, friends, those that like to know people not take advantage of people, it’s more stressful the more material the world becomes, do you love me or like me because you like people or what, in the material world, what is material matters most, who has time for the unseen, the Spiritual well being inside.

Albino Luciani , had radical views in the 1970’s. Jesus was considered a radical, 2,000 years before, mind the gap, what was it that lead many away from the eternal truth. She is ill, her mind is plagued by doubts, the worries, she can’t find rest inside, the crisis, what is it, where do you find that inner peace that finds your sweetest feeling inside, that now is the time and nothing else matters, in the company that does not drag you emotionally.

He takes her out for coffee, does not charge in, the talk is simple, easy, the ego has been set aside, it’s nice to be seen as the person you want to be, no one seeking from you, just enjoying the being you are. She wants more, he is patient, it can wait, she is annoyed, she is used to having it her own way, her mind becomes a wandering machine, all over the place, he watches her, what is inside her, can’t you relax. Stop, she stops, no one talks like this to me, what, stop, do you ever listen he asks. Honest with yourself, the thought, well, the pause.

Solomon sighed,.a lesson, the days of old, there is conflict in the head, the advice, stop, let the moment pass, stop, the thoughts will settle, calm yourself, the tension passes. Jesus advocated turn the other cheek, and while this is upsetting to those who seek revenge or getting easy, the pause in hostilities, eventually leads to peace, mine the gap.

Luciani Albino saw the gap that needed to be filled. Today, there are many who have tried to fill that gap, with their own version of the truth, while ignoring the truth of Jesus Christ.

The spies stopped, this is frantic, they try to listen, to take ownership of what is not there’s. God will settle the accounts, don’t bring the hatred with you, amen. Learn from the mistakes, that lead to the passing of Luciani, and recall, there were those who helped the allies defeat the dark axis, in the time of the second war.

The Cloud

Head for the clouds, the radio call out, the little spitfire is being pursued, colleagues look on, two enemy swoop down, the only chance, hide in the clouds, the only chance, he zigs and zags, the cloud is close, another five seconds and he is fine. Solomon sighed, find a friend that gives you cover in times of need. He thought of one option.

The crows hark and squawk, one of their own is on the ground, temporarily unable. A stranger is on the avenue, they holler out loud, trouble maybe, Solomon sighed, how the birds, Mother Nature, gives out the distress call long before the trouble arrives, amen.

Jesus said a long time ago, those is positions of authority better wake up, with responsibility, comes expectation, as with talents, not foreign hiding places, amen.

News of Wars, strange leaders, confused thinkers, ..

Don’t be anxious, just be aware, this is the story of Ezekiel, an old testament prophet, servant of God, in conversation with the angel Aerial, news such as these, are reminders, the world is not the place so many feel fearful in anymore, it is becoming a place, where only fear of God will exist, amen.

Solomon sighed, the struggle of the early believers, news of Jesus Christ, the awakening of the soul, new meaning in the Islamic tradition, the early believers, those of the real light, all coming to the conclusion, it’s the same eternal God they worship, so don’t give up. A day is the same as a thousand years to the Almighty God, so practice what is life giving, amen.

The Children of The Almighty, come in many shapes and colors.

Domestic Freedom

From behind, the ribs, she feels the pain, falls over, he kicks her on the ground, she tries to cover herself, wants to scream, the children, she fears for them, his face flares, he is all red, the intend meaner, he is getting his kicks, has a, then the door bursts in, caught red handed, he looks at the uniforms, we have him cold they say, while she whimpers in a heap, am I saved she thinks.

The charge sheet, the daily rounds, who has been at it, the fear some try to sow, is about to rebound on them, the eternal chief is not surprised, it’s been a long time coming, freedom from domestic violence, and fear ends, good night.

Solomon sighed, what a boat full of news, what a delight, this is wonderful, apart from the heavenly truth, the Gospels shown to be the map of discovery too, proof of Jesus and the Holy words, imagine those who will inflict harm on the Spirit, let the righteous be successful amen.

We need more love cries a voice, the crowd looks around at itself, love, where is it gone, gone shouts another, what shouts the others, Love, only a sneering man laughs in the corner, love he screams, then his voice cracks up and he falls over, a woman shouts, I found it, they look, a light filled Jesus comes down the path, amen.

Help Now?

The playing field, the game is on, the play is swift, the tussle, the crowd on their feet, the ah, the ooh, the young fan looks up, come on God she says, we need you now, the hope of a little one, why not, they are told to ask, and nothing pleases the almighty, like happy content children, so ask. The patience of Moses, that was then, we are smarter now, there is so much that has been learned.

The grandmother wails, the nephew last year, shot down, another grandchild this time, is there no end to it, help now. The wails are loud, the community leader, trying to be both helpful and appeasing, tries to rally the youth, we’ll protest, they stiffen up, the words from their mouths harsh, is this the way you pursue peace, help now.

The field, the day, the signs plenty, can this be real, we all are asked to question the Spirit, for their are different types. The prayer is made, the help arrives, again, the prayer is made, the help arrives again, the prayer is made, the help arrives again, repeat, repeat, the officer on the ground shouts, repeat repeat, is there a prayer request in asking for help.

Solomon sighs; everyday examples of intervention, everyday examples of expert opinions trying to change your mind, even in the times of Jesus, 2,000 years ago. Repeat, repeat, help now, help now, the dispatcher sends reinforcements, the problem eases. Help Now, the spirit needs help, the Heavens send the signs, but how do we use them, amen.