Why Therapy Works…

My impressions of the world, the way it feels, there is so much out there, i have to be able to think it through, well, so they say, it’s not like in olden times, Barney Dolphin is listening to Uncle Benny Dolphin, Barney has responsibilities, and Benny wants Barney to use the help, and that is called exercise when you don’t think you need it, slowing it down, how thoughts can overcome you, the doubts we are all subjected to, how to deal with them, and the advice’s of Mrs Carey, who prepared for the day, everyday, the way mothers do, all over the world, when allowed the space.

She made seventeen Christmas cakes at her prime, how original is that. Barney likes food. Without food, the mind can wander, its normal to feel light headed without grub, so you take food regularly, its not all diets, its nutrition, and the brain works easier, that’s why those in special services, often deny themselves all sorts of nourishment, it can strengthen the inside nerves, well, they do stuff that isn’t always day to day. Barney is listening. Orla the monk smiles, to think all this happened when he decided to live on the magic island, years ago, a lonely recluse, he is now the innkeeper to his natural friends.

What is therapy, it can be time with a good friend, its not something to fear in other words. Socially, people are afraid to admit their troubles, and when they store them up, well, some stuff is okay, but when it comes to dealing with a world full of communications, there is a lot to take in, especially when you have magic powers, think of superman the movie, he decides he is having a bad day, drops his responsible ways, goes off in a huff, decides to become a waster, and while this goes on, life around him falls into a lot of trouble, so superman, meets one of his little friends, you, what are you doing in here, its time you got your head straight, use your wisdom and help us out, its like calling out to yourself, pull yourself together, we will help you get through. Can anyone imagine Superman in therapy, well, in the movie that’s what happened, so we are not too big to ask for help, and in other words, humility is learned, and then you can ask for help. The trouble is, as Jesus says, in the order of those who are in authority, they can make their presence felt in all sorts of ways, and put pressure on those of tender backgrounds. Its one reason why Jesus spoke to those in powerful positions who were leading His people, His Fathers sheep, into mindsets, that put them in the place, where God was a set of man made rules. They forgot who they were, that’s all.

Barney is listening to the story, acquiring wisdom seems a top priority. There are those who will try to live in the past, and as Jesus says, how can you be one of the disciples if you live like that, what are you bringing with you. even the airplane people charge extra for excess baggage, imagine the lesson, even if its bitter on the wallet, you might have learned something or be careful what you bring home from your holidays, well, that’s a more personal question, amen.

So how does the Almighty God help us daily. Think before you leave the house, the good deed moment, its a little thought, how you treat people, patience if your short of it. Normally we react too quick, anxious, like a movie that is exciting, we can’t stop getting involved, it happens. Stop how does God communicate with us, another question, you just stop thinking about life, and allow the good thought to settle. I’m here, I’ve a gift, its what I have been given, I will use it to improve my environment, and when I need help, I’ll ask the One True God to help, and then it happens. One more cause though on so many minds; how do future children see the world, what would a mother like to see, not the fears, but the good things, store that thought, it will keep you looking up, and then the great adventure gets another surprise, new ideas begin to fill your head, and so you dream clean, not from your personal needs, but of something stronger, amen.

Imagine Saint Brendan the Navigator, he is at sea, the waves are thick, he is at the helm, knows that God is with Him, why be afraid, he travels the world, and inspires others to seek the Lord, and years later, another Brendan is before his father, and in trouble, so the question is posed, the answer, 484, and guess the year of Brendan’s birth, 484, could you get any closer, amen.

Solomon smiled, how all the connections come together like a jigsaw. It takes awhile, patience. The Brendan voyage, stories told to inspire us, how was it done, listening to the radio, the good tunes, where they can lead you, the way a simple thought can life you, and the scurrilous ways of some, who try to taunt your well-being, particularly when they know you have special gifts. So you think of the great explorers, where they went, the risky weather, the challenge, and suddenly your on a new ocean, and thinking, am i not lucky to be here, amen.


The Future Mother’s Club…

All those identities we have to sort through, are we this, bi that, with that alone, half, with, unsure, forgetful, happy weird, decathalonic, what version of human being am I. This crisis, no one came to point it out, they gave us a form, we filled in the details, your in this row, what, but, well that form said, later, well he is my pal, then later, we are pals, the roots extend out as you grow up, its called space, you find your way over time, and Jesus tells stories to explain all this, you have no worries by being a little surprised, time will work it out. In the mean time a bright spark says, well if we can reproduce, and mother nature tells us, its getting difficult, maybe we should start our own group, that is in the interests of everyone, why not. Taylor Swallow and Barney Dolphin are explaining the idea. Barney, the recent receiver of responsibility, well, the three little dolphenee’s will require the future as their birth right, and rather than hearing about it, Barney intends to do something about it. Knowing that the voice will be heard at night, Barney in times future, does not want to be woken from a happy sleep, hey, look what you did for us, what, then the list of complaints, put anyone off breakfast.

Treasure Box

The Future mother’s club, well, those who want to study the environment from the point of view of a mother, it can only lead to a sounder platform, a float on the ocean, a safe place, rather than fill our heads with the issue of children, we will think of safety first, and occupy our minds, with life giving thoughts, that’s wisdom, amen.

Imagine, the one great journey we all have to overcome, baby time. There you are, looking about, so that’s a light, and those are people, what is for dinner, breathing, ah, it tastes different, the stuff, a little hat on the head, so warm, smiling faces, happy reflections, and the music, i heard that before. We have all this before us, imagines the future mothers club honorary president, Taylor Swallow, all the stuff you need to be aware of, health, support, short term, long, role in the world, high sports or normal, the whole menu, what a world to look forward to, and the hope, well, if social media is too much, at least at the future mothers club, we can discuss the world, clean environments, the eyes, what do we want them to see, how can we survive without thinking of the needs of mother earth, its a continuous effort, like Jesus, we run the race to the end, you don’t give up trying.

AS for stuff that can hurt at times, offer it up, think of the eternal loving heart that absorbs the pain, so some try to imagine themselves in the role, the amount of pain in the world, how do you learn from it, where do you find space from it, the obvious needs, rest, Jesus had to escape from his apostles at times, its in the book. amen. One Good thought….Solomon smiled, it will help sort some identity issues; you’ll figure it out later, like the first car, and how you move up, well, that’s common sense, amen.

What would Celestine Say…

Just imaginary, Celestine remarks from his eternal place of residence, he is after examining the books of humanity, reads about the great success of education, reads on, gets to the health department spend, what, he looks at the entire body, its disproportionate, the amount of effort devoted to our human ability to reproduce, what habits are causing these, of course Celestine in his appeals were very wide, he appealed to all who were living at the time, issued his appeal, hoping they’d get a good ear, so here he goes again, do we have issues below the belt, what is going on, can’t we be clean in our efforts, that’s all. The budget alone would pay for so much other stuff, apart from., freeing the head.

Francis reads Celestine’s appeal. There is much to agree on. So Francis thinks; should i publish that old appeal, or publish it with modern thinking applied. No one has taken on the subject, however being a male, its still a huge segment of the health budget, it will ask more questions of our individual actions.

America, health costs, the insurance element, the investment in health enormous, the global return, its not as drastic as it looks, perhaps its reminding us, helping the thought process, invest in health. Meanwhile in all the faith groups, the return is forecast, its time to encourage each other, its not them or us, we.