The Future Mother’s Club…

All those identities we have to sort through, are we this, bi that, with that alone, half, with, unsure, forgetful, happy weird, decathalonic, what version of human being am I. This crisis, no one came to point it out, they gave us a form, we filled in the details, your in this row, what, but, well that form said, later, well he is my pal, then later, we are pals, the roots extend out as you grow up, its called space, you find your way over time, and Jesus tells stories to explain all this, you have no worries by being a little surprised, time will work it out. In the mean time a bright spark says, well if we can reproduce, and mother nature tells us, its getting difficult, maybe we should start our own group, that is in the interests of everyone, why not. Taylor Swallow and Barney Dolphin are explaining the idea. Barney, the recent receiver of responsibility, well, the three little dolphenee’s will require the future as their birth right, and rather than hearing about it, Barney intends to do something about it. Knowing that the voice will be heard at night, Barney in times future, does not want to be woken from a happy sleep, hey, look what you did for us, what, then the list of complaints, put anyone off breakfast.

Treasure Box

The Future mother’s club, well, those who want to study the environment from the point of view of a mother, it can only lead to a sounder platform, a float on the ocean, a safe place, rather than fill our heads with the issue of children, we will think of safety first, and occupy our minds, with life giving thoughts, that’s wisdom, amen.

Imagine, the one great journey we all have to overcome, baby time. There you are, looking about, so that’s a light, and those are people, what is for dinner, breathing, ah, it tastes different, the stuff, a little hat on the head, so warm, smiling faces, happy reflections, and the music, i heard that before. We have all this before us, imagines the future mothers club honorary president, Taylor Swallow, all the stuff you need to be aware of, health, support, short term, long, role in the world, high sports or normal, the whole menu, what a world to look forward to, and the hope, well, if social media is too much, at least at the future mothers club, we can discuss the world, clean environments, the eyes, what do we want them to see, how can we survive without thinking of the needs of mother earth, its a continuous effort, like Jesus, we run the race to the end, you don’t give up trying.

AS for stuff that can hurt at times, offer it up, think of the eternal loving heart that absorbs the pain, so some try to imagine themselves in the role, the amount of pain in the world, how do you learn from it, where do you find space from it, the obvious needs, rest, Jesus had to escape from his apostles at times, its in the book. amen. One Good thought….Solomon smiled, it will help sort some identity issues; you’ll figure it out later, like the first car, and how you move up, well, that’s common sense, amen.

Dante’s Porridge

Step in here, the contestants enter sludge valley, its a standing game, the more you struggle, the lower you sink, and guess what the sludge contains, goat juice special brew, the contestants struggle, is this celebrities in trouble, the new show on the Mullingar channel, they struggle, the crawlies are around the waist now, breathing, the move, you sink a little lower, the belly, then the chest, your conscience tumbles, more fretting, your up to your neck in trouble, the crawlies are over your face, the lower lip, you start to swallow sludge, until you fill up, then you are at the starting gate again, have you learned anything the host asks, the sludge, I’ll think slowly, no angry thoughts, you hold the position a little longer, others pass you out, what, have they a thirst for goat juice supreme, you make a little laugh, more time, your a sonder commando, your piling up the corpses, how will you escape this, you try not to think, only this, the thought of getting out and making it known, the extent of the deception, mass liquidation of your people.

Now your thinking of others, you rise in the sludge, thinking of the welfare of others, your reaching out, your finding hope in the most hopeless of places, or your Mrs Carey with a twenty footer for a half, she studies the line, the line is taken, have no doubts, she strokes the ball, rolls it, watches it close on the hole, the ball turns slightly, drops into the cup, the other players can’t believe it, she has done it again. On the putting green she was helpful to all, she didn’t choose, she reached out, the game is to be enjoyed, your all equal on the golf course, the lessons games teaches us, when your allowed to play, well, there are those who live in a world of torment, what game is this, they look back, they recall the names of those they lost, so ,many of them, what a drug to have to endure, makes you pliable, same as a hungry child with nothing on the mind but food, will grab the first hand that offers, just eats, how easy it is to cause such a vulnerable mindset, and those who know of this, what chances the child with the open heart, amen.

Francis, Francis, who is offering you the help through third parties, so say, there is too much of a political bias involved, who planted such thoughts, ask, so they corral you with worry, why, what is their goal, so many simple options missed, amen.

In a far and away place, the woman smiles, she prays, she see’s his face, he smiles back, I thought it might be of help to you, you were always kind, and as for those who surround you, don’t worry, the Power of Eternity is here, and those that invade such thoughts, don’t cherry pick, many great insights were lost, as some try to take credit, I said this, I said that, trying to find favor like sycophants at times, and they think, Solomon smiled, the beach scenes, Benny Dolphin is on the sand, Cynthia Coral is lying beside him, they are discussing the oceans, what a mess they leave, and the promises, don’t worry. When Phillip smiled, at the truth of the story of the throne in the Sky, the shared moment of Joy, its great to get the connection, and as he, Phillip says, what a privilege is that, shown to few. Imagine Esdras and Uriel talking the talk, and now, all those years later, amen. The pain is gone, the breathing is fine, a good sleep, a sweet reward, just believe, amen.

Trafficking in the Holy Spirit

Look, the spirit is on the run, Parable of Jesus Christ, 2,000 years are more, the eternal place, seeking in hearts the resting space, what were the prospects as spoken by Jesus, what is the parable of the Mustard Seed, hang on to what you have, the light appears, be wise, you worship the Almighty in Spirit, don’t be confused by the guides, the warning about the celebrity, pharisee thought, parable of Jesus, listen if you have ears, there are many meanings to the words, but they all point in the one direction, you will be fooled before it’s made real, don’t get sucker punched, and if let down or stolen from, The Almighty covers such lose’s, the truth about Jesus, amen.

The Scalpel

A name, a title, a profession, years of training, re training, in order to carry out, the most vital of operations, on your body, your life in the hands, of the one who yields the scalpel. The years of staying put, not the high life many assume, tedious book work, the cost of training, overcome now, by the cost of insurance, no bad days allowed, the threat of the lawyer, the shark on the reef, willing to take a bite, whatever, so many depend on the scalpel to survive.

The name recalls a memory, the laughter on the face, the patient will be there before me, the heavens that is, the patient smiles years later, how did you manage to save me, the wonder of the memory, one small town, one global recovery.

Solomon sighed, the effort of the few to maintain the services many depend upon, while the get even types harass for their cut of the booty, had any of them committed themselves to a life of service, in order to preserve the light in others, Solomon smiled. The one in ten as Jesus says, who are grateful, and the angst those go through, in order to rule over others, did they know, the heavenly inheritance, he sighs, the signs keep on coming, amen.

The Perfect Mother

Seventy years, seventy years, the lady passes up, the memories too many of them, her service record, one few could imagine, or could they, the love of the mother, her vocation, one that so many go through, many without plaudits, but then again, how many of them do it, in full public view all their lives. Solomon sighed, the papers, full of the testimony, seventy years of service to her People, Elizabeth, apart from the public version of the woman, mother, queen, there is also the family side, and all the woes families get through in a life, as do nations. The leftist of the eighties, now the conservative of the 2020’s, positions change, our opinions develop, our reasoning develops, our thoughts, expand, the lessons learned, were we too hard on them, were they right all along, how the seemingly perfect life, is never perfect. The same struggles, the same anxieties, the parlor might be larger, but the humanity remains, life is a vocation, and mothers know this too well.

Solomon wondered at the thoughts that many are filled with, the great events, that remind them, of the duty towards others, that some produce daily, on a very public basis, and how that duty, expands into the words of Jesus, and the parables he told, explaining how the inner spirit, the Spirit from on high, could do the unimaginable, all you needed, was faith, and no one does it better, than the true loving mother, who like all mothers, puts her charges first. In short, Jesus in the heart, lays the path for eternal peace, amen.

There is Elizabeth, the years have passed, wars and famines, great tribulations, changes few could imagine, the grandchildren, the future, one of intense importance, the baton of Spirit, will pass on, and as a mother, she worries too, did I leave them with good example, amen. And the passing thought; how do we do more to respect all, amen.