Che Guevara

Why did the man stop at the leper colony, what does it teach us. Who are we referring too today. The need to think outside the box. The man takes a another route while on holiday. He sees the people most in need of help, there are few there to help the French doctor who has put his own health on the line. Che, a doctor in the making, doesn’t ignore his calling. Perhaps in the modern world, those who are different are the people he is trying to help. In his time, those who were different, were poor, and in need of help. To feel good about yourself, helping with things, making others feel wanted and with friends. The pal who is lonely in school, no one to talk with, maybe they have lost a parent or someone is sick. In little ways we can do what Love demands, and that’s not hard on the heart, amen.

Years later, down in the club, Solomon is doing the social, meeting and greeting. Ah, a regular appears, a bit of a loud mouth, nothing more, makes stupid comments, then gets a sneer, why does he say that, Jesus would have said, turn the other cheek. Its only a late night comment from someone whose a little intoxicated, nothing more. You don’t expect a confrontation, how often do we hide secrets, amen. Later, there is a call to erect a statue to Che, there are objections. Just some who don’t want reminding of his influence.

Now, they wish they had treated Che kinder, perhaps. His picture is all over the world.

Francis worries over the succession. No need to napalm the doubters, bad stuff, think of Vietnam, if only the civil rights lawyer had stayed at the law. Solomon thought of his little friends, they need a good start, and funds, if in the poor areas. Imagine going on holiday with no spending money, it can cause great hurt. And Happy souls make great workers later. Maybe those that want to control things, use money and access to it., to deny good deeds.

In a nutshell, the good lawyer, who is thinking of ways to improve things. Even though he has a track record of getting it right, those in comfortable surroundings, don’t like the man who can do what they can do, and better, without having their resources, because he shows them up. For years they make life difficult, denying the entire population access to great advice, and we wonder, thanks grass hopper, any ideas, cheers to the health, amen.

The CIA, what. The effort to cause distress, well, usual suspects may apply, amen.

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