Save the burn out for after the party…

How to unload inside, the soldiers who forget to slow down, breathe, the timing matters, the heat inside, the electrical storms, can you understand what is being said, its all inside you. Heat, the great story tellers, Steinbeck and the grapes, dust, the hope, the pilgrims move, the meaning of the wadi, the need for water, what it is used for, the consequences when its dull. Do the vegetables know.

Human activity, love and the meaning of it, not the under activity, love is higher thought, protecting it, you can go guerrilla, well to explain Collins, and his life, and love for His nation. He could have ended the struggle in a week, compassion, fighting your own, patience and the feelings left behind, do we think, well, lets think of the foreign influences, how they help us to see, the Monk on the magic island, a Dane, the inserts in the papers, the papers taken from the official record, known of, lets not be foolish, the talented ladies, special gifts, the way they were persecuted, we don’t appreciate the meaning at times, there was a time when the madness took over, and then later, its just a lesson in history, how to steal a bank, the gambling fortunes, who is the bookie. Angst, the charity let down, there are reasons.

Peace and the meaning of the word, amen. She hears a name, they repeat it, they point to a soul, the heart connection, now they are in the court of God, what will they say about it now, what excuse will they be using this time, testing the patience of the divine, Jesus warns about it, its in the book, amen.

Solomon on the trials some face, the torture, bugging and then planning a strategy, what is this, whom were they interested in, the lesson, look up, the sun, mother nature, the purpose of the real plants, how we use them, and those in places foreign, who try to remind us, amen.

First summer on earth, you arrive in Clare.The spaceship landing, a little zig zag, got there. In the distance you hear the music, what is this, the beat is incredible, where does Solomon hang out. What is that, a pint of Murphy’s, well, after he finishes with you, you’ll understand the meaning, what, no its not a machine they are feeding the words into, trying to extract meaning, there is wisdom out there, how to access it, Uriel and the blessings, what is it we missed, and the lady is played with, what is it they are trying to achieve, burn out.


I am who I am, the lady is young, she is tempted by the company, the offer of a drink, she looks at the older man, well, my mother and what she thinks, the way we change under the influence, the spirit in the drink, a seagull flies in the wind, flutters wildly, lands on a shiny object vision obscured, its the detonator of a mine, the bird explodes, she looks at the older man, what is inside, have we learned too much, she is coy draws the attention, what is it in the minds, could it be a friend or wise counsel, she wonder what happened to her friend, what, the tale is a difficult story, was it true, she looks at the reflection in the glass, we can turn into monsters on the stuff, and what next, a report in a newspaper, then the jealous instinct of the scorned lover, the rage that some get into , he smiles, a friend comes in, his, they are now talking freely, a teacher and a preacher, what is this, she feigns a departing smile, I have got business elsewhere, the two men smile, she is good at detecting but is not afraid either, he puts the card back in his jacket, two tickets to Hawaii, well, she could have had the dream, well, its hard being of God, the level of mistrust sowed, who are these sorts, its another election day, what qualities do you want to encourage, the thought is going on while we speak, every day the choices we make, the struggle to find that trust, the angel smiles, she is out the door, oh I forgot my purse, she returns, Ah you knew me after all, what, his friend hands her an envelope, your next assignment angel, the movie ends, the caption, who do you fly with, in trouble, lets hope its one experienced in the cockpit, amen.

boy meets false prophet

Elvis in the year 2024, well its sort of Elvis, well, don’t sell your talent for the short gain, times and faith will see you through, Tennis protege, talented coach has worked hard and long, the sparkle of success, you can have this, that, the other, wall street style life, and not in years to come but real soon, its aching the temptation, the talent is there, time matures it, a year later he is reading the Gary player book of golf, what are you doing asks his companion, what, he says nought, the greens are tricky like at Augusta, he thinks, I’m glad i stuck to the basics, Mrs Carey had one so called lesson, Mrs Carey you don’t need any lessons, so what are you doing in the bunker, what, its practice time, I want to learn the green slope, what, down on his hunkers, parallel to the ground almost, Gary Player, I’m reading the green, do greens do you for bucks though, hahaha, according to Gary, you have 2 putts per hole, that’s a lot for a round of golf, gold on the green, money in the bank.

That’s a nice driver, the price though, that other stuff, all the benefits, Gary Player again, you must learn how to struggle, even when learning to walk, and if you want to borrow this, why is he offering to help, maybe he just likes the way i golf, what does Mammy think, what, the two cars at the lights, flash and strong, flash has the glitter, Strong has performance, what would you choose, that old putter was a winner, why do I create such doubts, you lose a short foundation, what, the weather is always sunny on the circuit, think aloud, what am I doing this for, its not ambition alone, its inside, its character formation as well, think before you risk it, the way golf teaches you.

Solomon smiled, Mrs Carey, always ahead of the posse in terms of inner preparation, but she had all the housework and stuff done first, family, and if in doubt, what did Jesus answer, amen.

On offensive ways, sometimes it takes awhile to learn the new ways. What, the old society meets the new one, well, its more western, people are more outspoken, its a market driven world, to survive, its hard to be polite, or the games people play, like that scene in Schindler, the boy cleaning the bath, okay, so we have to put up with little insults, what are you shouting at, five minutes later they are sharing a fizzy drink., no harm intended, we survived that way, you would not believe what we have had to endure, patience, look, its the stuff that happens, traffic jams, there are more important issues, besides, the Almighty checks all motives, stop worrying.


how to stay grounded, and not lose the head. She feels the pain daily, every dent of her emotions felt by everyone else, no one to talk with, she keeps it close inside, when she tries to explain herself, they medicate her brain, what thoughts are these the say while they hold her down, the damage they are doing to her are every woman’s nightmare, amen. Look says the prophets, did you not see what the Lord has done in other places, you don’t want to ADD to the injury, no matter who you are, the words are written and re written, over centuries of old, why ignore the divine reality, if it’s eternity you want to share. Jesus tells us, compassion for the compassionate, mercy for the merciful, it could not be said any clearer, the men and women of peace wants your attention, we are not going to face the almighty, with all this horror to deal with, amen.

Solomon on living prayers; you have to live it to be real, amen. So over the years they seek the light, it arrives in great droves, there is anxiety is some places, are we going to add our own children to this misery we have caused, then they think, or the little voice opens up, well, its all written in the Holy Books, you better watch out. They look at the tender little one, what wisdom is this, and like the woman they tried to re direct, they ignore the young sage’s advice, why, her education wasn’t a PHD, and she didn’t qualify for a rise in circumstances, her threat was of the future for those, who ignored the advice of Christ, amen.

Well says the evangelist preacher who is reading it line by line as if doing a chemistry exam, this is not written the way I like it, I’ll take charge of my own flock. So he builds lots of barns to keep his treasure to himself, then years later looks back, was that not from a parable of Christ. Don’t do a Samuel Johnson on it, and learn about it too late, amen. What happened when the flood came, amen.

Solomon smiled at the thought of the smiling lady, something moved inside her, and those that were trying to mine her thoughts or take hold of her, were reminded of the Holy Power, and with regret they lived, thereafter, amen.

Look its Halloween, what is there to be anxious about, some treats are good for you, but easy on the sugary stuff, it fills you with energy, or if your working late or driving a big truck, a coffee late in the evening, might keep others safe as well as yourself. Why the coffee breaks he took, even when late for a meeting, the need to slow oneself, or the ability to make good decisions even when it means being late yourself, you teach the emotions to slow, and you actually humble yourself, and to say it wisely, better to do it yourself than have the Eternal God do it for you, well, you’ll be making time for another as well.

He lost his lofty position Friday, they had a substitute found by Monday. Solomon recalled the old story, what we give up, thinking its love we are receiving, then to find out as you are leaving, you were not that vital after all, amen. Can anyone put meaning on the real meaning of love as its supposed to be, amen.

The soul returns with its bounty, to the Lawgiver. So this is your yield, imagine Esdras listening to Uriel, the angel telling Esdras the fate of the soul, after it passes from the body. What state is yours in, amen. Later, a soul enters the courtyard, the gates are there to open. So what is it your taking with you, that load you have, we have to look inside, what, I thought, what thought was that Saint Peter asks, regulations.

She sighs, the new feeling is opening the heart, maybe I was wrong, she admonishes herself, wrong, she complains, those that hear her, or have being sold access to her, wonder if they can farm her doubts, the angel sighs too, you never know whom else is listening, amen.

So this is your closet, lets take a look, mostly okay, the penitent lets out a sigh of relief. He squeezes in the gap, home at last, amen. It was like a sheep pen, amen.

The Great Formation

It might seem elongated, a stretch, the mind is taking on new ideas, the closet needs to be cleaned out, there are alien thoughts in there, the garbage some call it, gathered over the years, the inside space, all those histories, the ideas, the imagination, it corrupts your ability to think, and today more than ever, thoughts are being absorbed, even when we don’t know it, taking us away from our natural ways. Formation thinking, the wiping of the slate, before you pour new ideas into the container, or the correct understanding, how do you clean yourself inside, how do you empty yourself, are there habits that have control of your ability to think, do they put a certain blurb on your thought process, such as, too much paranoia, the mind becomes strange, too much encouraging of certain interests, that blind you inside, the heart not able to function, where does this interest come from the import of thoughts, that you try to hide, not the secrets that are trusted to you.

This is not right, the teacher has a whip, the fear when such thoughts emerge, the teacher has width, can affect your family, the need to be secretive about normal things, the mind becomes a series of black holes, where you hide the darkness inside you, you can’t open your mouth, why, the others who were sent away and never came back., some never heard of again, the creation of a trench of fears, and so on and so on. In the ups, the war, or so called war is being won, the need to cover up the evidence is an afterthought, you are going to win the war, why worry, then the doubts, you are in retreat, the anxiety, the need to hide all that stuff, and then the prayer moment, how can you make a clean prayer if your feeling dirty inside, what next, then the notion of the Holy Spirit, you are supposed to be able to hold it, and then you hear the reminders of Jesus, what is the true state of the spirit, what then, when you see the signs appearing, the angst, is there an answer to the mother of all issues, as Worldly Kingdoms of the Future, will depend upon it.

Solomon sighed, the signs, He tells Old Friar Seamus, the vocation issues, the signs are there to assist you, why don’t you use them, they are all real, and come with a direct reference to the First Pope John too, what are you doing, the call of the Spirit, then the refusal to accept the hope, to whom can you complain, the prophet writes, Jesus tells the parable, Abraham and Lazarus, do they believe or read this anymore, amen.

Solomon endured many things, efforts to confuse him and worse, why, and apart from arriving into a mess of experiment, what would the One who sent the signs to Him think, what would be their fate, well, it has to be said, the planet at risk too, and the haven of help, why would they attempt to challenge that, knowing the parable of the vineyard, amen.

A book that explains further the meaning of the parables, in the offing too, were they supposed to be helping, amen. Solomon smiled, the wonder of the Spirit, that emerged on the green, what a series of great wonders, amen.

He thought of Francis, trying to work out a solution, first you have to have a clean space for yourself, and not to be surrounded, by those who have only thought of tying you up with old dogma, that needs to be refreshed, perhaps, to look into the depths of the soul, there are those who simply don’t want to go there, amen. What is the Spirit inside them, amen?

A beckettian aside, did they pollute your mind and fill you with fears, think of the Only one to Fear, according to Jesus, amen.

Why are we made of differences

The number of different flowers, the four seasons, the experiments of the past, the use of nations to prove this or that, the wisdom of Saint Peter, the connections to other places, why would the plant be dropped on those, who use others, to experiment their theories, when its those that are doing the experimentation who are the ones who caused the troubles in the first place. Its not rocket science, governments in the past have been blackmailed, lets not be naive, propaganda, the fear that’s applied, we will be good to you, you are the good ones, the military junta’s that got those with belief in the Almighty, to give help to those, who laughed at them in private, while they jetted back to their own masters, thinking, we have got the better of them, as easy as catching farmed fish, don’t be alarmed, the Almighty checks the motives, knows the true intentions, amen.

Why are we made of differences, why Jesus asks us to reach out, why you ask, what is the purpose of our existence. The Billionaires, who are on their way to Gaza, to act as human shields, same as those brave Spitfire pilots of old, they went into the skies, as Annie Dooley would say, despite the odds against them, what a poet, Mrs Carey’s adopted daughter, well, the connection was that strong, amen. Look, your faced with the eternal choice, and your only interested in your divine reputation, that human thinking, what, with all that progress behind you, who’d not support their God, acts as the apostles say, matter so much, and as the warring bells sound, you don’t wait around or hide in the sand, wondering who is going to win this battle, when you know already, that the Almighty wins forever, and his signs are all around, amen.

A.M.Dooley, she led from the front, and a friend to Solomon, when others made it difficult, she sings her hurrahs, Barney does it again, amen. The Almighty rises up great spirits at the right time, think, how can you encourage that feeling in your children today, what would they be, warriors for peace, amen.

Beckett on 2023

That lady, were you collecting samples, and if you were, for whom. Solomon was thinking eternal life and the wonderful gift. Stardust fell on him, and great wonders greeted him, he had the inside line to the Heavens, well, someone loves him eternally, why worry with those sort of friends on your side. Those that got in his way, were learning about their follies. Regardless, when the cloud appears and great wonders follow, why be uneasy, its the approval from on high, and that awesome gift, has to be used wisely, amen.

So Beckett is thinking, Solomon is helping his friend James and others, to write the second understanding of the coming of The Christ, and in play format, he thinks, if Beckett never attended any of his plays, why so, or is SAM the one with no ego, amen. It can get in your way, a little helps, too much, can turn you into a demon, amen.

So Beckett, of waiting for Godot fame, imagine him back, re thinking the story. What would he make of the intervening years. So much plotting, so much spying, it must feel like Paris in the forties, when he worked for the resistance. As for the sacrifices made way back then, what would he think of the people today, how words are used against them, their thought process almost decided, it makes for a good Grisham plot. Would Johnny G be allowed to publish such thoughts today, questions many would like to ask.

Across the world, the children want clarity, not doubt. The role of Spy agencies in the affairs of so many, what is their fate, given the scale of divine intervention we are now enjoying. Beckett, sits at a cafe, surrounded by the occupying forces, he slips a note to a resistance fighter, they exchange a smile even a warm embrace, others look on, love, they must have found it endearing, many of the soldiers wishing the war never started, but following orders as they say, being good soldiers, or what they thought was their duty. Jesus would ask questions too.

Solomon sighed, he encountered interference on the blog, those trying to pretend they were him, what minds he thought, they were only harming one of God’s chosen, amen.