Nature needs our nurture!

What, the purists look at the little boy, what, nature, what can we do about it. Imagine Jesus in the temple, all those years, the small boy is captivating the established teachers of the law as it was known, explaining to them, we recall the story, its in the Gospel of Jesus, the same Jesus, that’s some boy they say, who is his mother and father. They see their boy in the company of the older men, they almost apologies, was he disturbing you they might have asked, the pharisee’s being the keepers of the Holy Law as its known, little did they know, that they were listening to their future boss.

Solomon recalls the afternoon tea at the home of Father Nivard, he is having scones and tea with his little pal, the boy is learning the ways of life, how to do the little things. We all need to be directed at times. Anyway, there are a group of men seated at a table, they are well got in terms of their faith, devout men. AS he passes their table, Solomon says to them, pointing to the child, that’s your boss, as if to say, children will be our judges, look after them, may your thoughts be acceptable to them, or in short, lead them to ways that are inclusive of the needs of the youngest. Solomon was on the mission, and the Sunday trip became part of the journey, amen. As with all rests, there are times when you need to set aside your normal work, the spirit inside has to refresh, same as the environment, you have to look after it, the birds use the air, the animals drink water, while mother nature gets to hear of their woes, and suffers on account of it, amen.

The lion in winter, the traumas’ that nations and peoples have gone through, the legacy issues, the past failings, those that took advantage of the circumstances, perhaps they failed to understand what life was about, they were encouraged to seek and gather, they perhaps forgot to think of the needs of mother nature. How God and mother nature teaches us; the story is on the picture, the big lion stands full, he is being hugged by his human friend of old, you were the one who helped raise me, people are surprised, most of anyone sensible would have run off, but they trusted each other, there was no fear, they could talk, there was no anxiety, the human friend helped the nurture, and we get example after example, sea biscuit being one such time, the world in great depression, then the wonder horse arrives, puts smiles on many places, the outsider wins, the heart working full throttle when needed. Before his time with his trusted trainer, the horse didn’t want to run, and so we ask, does nurture work, amen. As with people or beings from other places, when we listen to them, how friendships happen, its just that, what we call understanding takes time, besides who wants to ignore the fact, that you can talk with God on a daily basis, sometimes you have to step back, there are other fans who want to get a word or request in, maybe that’s why we need DJ’s, amen.

Solomon on life; what are we without the help of God. Sometimes we forget that, its the reason you need balance in life, the mountain is climbed from different directions, it can be harsh in places, power doesn’t make it happen, you need others with you, or to say it like in times of old, using the parables, Jesus of course who asks us to reach out, your treasures are in your heart, just keep the thought, and where do we store those nurturing thoughts, need we ask, amen. Borders are crossed, friends become enemies, or friendships are made, foes become friends, makes you think?.

Your weakness is your strength

She is a very able woman, professional, has to do a number of jobs, sometimes she can’t say no, however, she gets it done. Over the years many come to depend on her, she is reliable, and because she gives easily, and on account of her talents, she feels she must oblige those who call to her for help. In the lecture hall, she is supreme, her method of teaching is admired, she gets to the point quickly, her students like her, she cuts out much of the little stuff, gets into the core of the subject, she has the attitude, that all her students are going to be achievers, its an attitude she has herself, and her positive nature, she does her best to pass it on. One day, she gets a belt in the chest, a stinging sensation, she looks grey, she finds a seat, and tries to hide herself and her temporary weakness, it’s a sign of weakness she feels a need to rest. She recovers herself, promises to visit a doctor, will make an appointment, she reads her calendar, a week’s time. Will she be leaving it too late. A few days earlier, while getting herself ready, she recovers, cancels the appointment, it was only a glitch.

Mother is not feeling well, the child talks to her Father. The same day, another friend of hers says the same; she is not like herself, is there something wrong. The mental anguish of having to adjust life, or change her priorities, it can be very difficult on the emotions. She is not her happy self, she starts to hallucinate, gets dizzy spells, this does not happen to me, what have i worked for, she begins to doubt herself, starts to act in a strange way. The doctor appointment is remade. She attends this time.

Your pace of life and expectation, it puts a lot on your shoulders. She listens, what am I hearing, he is trying to tell me there is something wrong with me, what is this, expectations, I’ve always coped before, he tells her it’s stress, and perhaps a chemical imbalance, there is a need to do some tests. Her husband is in a busy job, hasn’t a deep emotional well, apart from that, there are others to be seen to. They have children, and they are anxious too, they love their mother, and have seen a change, but every time they say something about it, she gets defensive. The inability to communicate, the need to reflect, a high performance car has to be taken off the road to be finely balanced, while the driver has to be clear headed. Imagine having doubts about your skills when speeding on the track, there are others who use the space, your doubts put others in danger. ……..

She wakes from her dream, covered in sweat, shaking. What was it, a rabbit in the headlights, paralyzed by fear, she is glad to be awake. He looks at her, shocked. What is it he asks. I thought we lost it all, and that there was nothing we could do about it. At the time there was talk of a national depression, the economy was going into a hole, and it was going to take years to recover. He assures her, there is nothing to worry for. Maybe it’s an age thing he says, besides all of us with talents he says, we sometimes need space, we push ourselves too hard.

Jesus simplifies the situation. When ever he was allowed to perform a miracle, (all credit to the Heavenly Father), he didn’t take credit for it himself, he told everyone to thank His Father in Heaven. Why show such a sign of perceived weakness, when it was obvious the Spirit was working through him, (through him). In short he knew that his Heavenly Father loved him, and as with any child who approaches his loving father, the request the child makes, is one that he knows will be heard. Also in the parables, The Almighty Father is stronger inside you, when you are weak in spirit, amen. And by admitting your weakness, as in getting down on your knees, your making yourself humble, and this is also told in the parables. You might have all the riches of the world, but you pass by the heavenly entrance, one at a time, and no servant can do that for you, listen if you have ears, amen.

Back to Mom, she is after recovering, her pace in the lecture hall slows, she takes her time, doesn’t put too much pressure on, there is a more relaxed feel in the lecture hall, she takes time to explain the small details, and learns the value of the small things. Success is not removed, just the pace of learning. On the way home from the office, she doesn’t listen to guru tapes or the like, it’s joyful music, relaxing, the pace of life is now sustainable. The horse on the track has to give way to his younger rivals. Over time, he develops stamina, and continues to race competitively, but at a lower level, that’s life, we age, we slow, we mature, amen.

Solomon was writing general pace talk, we sometimes need to leave things and simply rest. There are also those, who pay, to play mind games for fun, and what can start off as something silly and playful, can lead to a more devious character inside. It’s not always the case, but asking those close to you is not always the best thing to do. There are those who work in packs, undermining. For this reason, when space is needed, consulting the holy books is a form of rest. IN short, Jesus puts light on you, not burdens. It takes a little time, but with time, you will see the wonder of the great teacher. Stay firm in your faith, amen.

In the confines of the office, where there are many stunted intellectuals, jealousies of all kinds can muster. The emotions need to develop, amen. Those that push themselves too hard when young, often lose their emotional intelligence in the process, amen. The world is not going to disappear, leave room for the future, amen.

Years later, a woman of great spirit wanders the world, her spirit can’t find rest. She has been black balled, stories are told about her unwellness, and like a disease, those spreading the news about her, make her unwell, nowhere to find space. Where does she find respite. The worries of life, depress her. Where does she go for help. The love inside her has to have a way out, but there is no one willing to listen to her. Doctors try to help by medicating her, she is forced into a mental asylum. Will anyone listen to me. Solomon wondered, what happened to those of the Spirit, who had no one to trust in them, on account of their thoughts. Then imagine Jesus, telling the evil spirits to leave the man alone, who had many demons inside him. He sends the evil spirits into a herd of pigs who then throw themselves into the sea, where they drown. listen if you have ears, amen. That Spirit of Heaven is all about us…