Watershed Moments

After nine, the more mature stuff appears. The little buffers in place to preserve the mind. The French man’s diary, the value of the land, how it is cared for. The lesson, are we guardians of the Spirit, don’t we separate the grapes in the vineyard, not all are considered the same. Imagine the young minds left in states of frustration, how they can heat up. Do we need to expand the thought, amen.

Keep the head up, the breathing eases. The blood transfusions later, thank God. Inside health, more meaningful for the womb minders. The man needs to learn this, amen.

Skill, she holds the scalpel. Nerve endings secured. The years of effort, her faith. They will be fine, her heart rises, the man is still breathing. The lesson, what gives you space that is secure, amen, that can’t be violated.

Thousands of Girls

The cauldron of activity, the hype and the media storm, throbbing girls, their boyfriends on stage, the bouncers prepared, the merchandisers, the anticipation, hardly a man in sight, bodyguards mostly, frenzied joyful feelings ahead, it could be the Beatles about to appear on stage, this is the boy-band era, this is aimed at young girls. Sure interesting, the Prophet prepares for the excitement, his young charge needs the experience, among her peers, its great to have experiences, in the company of one you trust implicitly. tasked with the journey, others committed to work, the concert is a national event. Years later, I was there, the prophet smiles, apart from the cost of Merchandise, how they know how to fleece the parents, what, five euro’s for what is an extended piece of fuzz cloth. Probably cost 10 cents to make. Moments, on holidays, the stuff we acquire.

Compare thee, the Sunday drive, the boy is being enlightened, Honor God, this is the day. The joy filled smile, the jump into the drive seat, the thrill that will put a smile on the face, at least that’s something they can’t steal from him. Solomon put the reminder online at the blog, for years, the need to be aware, how there are those of God living among us, who are directly connected. How those that ignore the heavenly advice, droop years later, when its there time to present their case to the Heavenly Authority. How will you fare, amen.

Putting what is common before that which is eternal might impress your short term friends, Jesus in the story, tells us, whom to fear, could the lesson be so obvious.

The young man with great navigational skills, he has ideas, his mind is all there, his special gifts need a way to get out, it can cause utter frustration. Its a common complaint. So many with gifts, are like trees, they are not all the same. At least in these times we recognize this need. Surely, we need to understand those of an earlier age too. How we judge so easily, the troubled child, amen. Ah, Jesus, your Only Father, is your Father in Heaven. If only someone had told us, amen. What, and to think, we can help the souls that have gone on ahead. Uriel and Esdras explains this clearly, book 2, amen. The boy thinks, how do we improve the help then, rather than get excited and upset. Good thoughts, and mindfulness, awareness of nature, walking, watching a bird in flight, he smiles, the boy, there is lots i can do. I don’t have to live among those who depress me at times, amen. One good thought, listening to an audio book if finding it hard to concentrate, simple stuff, watching hurling matches, not asking for the result, enjoying the playing, and not allowing others to make me angry towards others, how there are those who try to use me, and what they say, often turns out to be wrong. Sorry, ask Jesus, he will only give you, life giving advice, hatred is not in his dictionary, amen.

Dante and Reality…

We need to consider, the plague of the 1300’s. the consideration today. If it was thought to be outrageous all those years ago, and the times, well, a little extreme for some, do we risk so much, when the rocket ships don’t fly straight anymore. Is there redeeming instincts inside you, and if you have any, do they show up regularly. Those passed on, that might be of interest, perhaps you day can help put a light on them, the way each generation has the task of improving, its emotional DNA, the qualities we pass on, and the reminders of Uriel and Esdras, so they find a loop and perhaps try to censor the meanings, changing words, trying to fool others, and pretending to work for society, and in the face of all this, like beaumarche before the queens court, they allow it to happen in the confined way, when only laughing at themselves before their own judgement, would that be possibly true, amen.

The mirror effort, the cloning of the machine, trying to infer, that the work of others is theirs, what is the divine penalty to those that abuse that way, what would the Almighty think, there are those trying to insert themselves into the lives of others by trick and deceit, fooling many, the way Jesus says.There is a time and a place, and the substitute theory is known about, they are officially warned now, that’s it, let them plead alone, their foolishness will be known to all, amen.

The clean water, what is the outcome when we need the rain to fall, All the Prophets, why are we born this way, the lack of one sense increases the power of the others, sensitive people, where, why, what is their outcome, why are some born deaf even, what is the lesson, why, can any of them explain this, and if the plagues of Egypt are to be understood, what was the reason for the stubborness, the likely hood of the words, They tried to steal the artists words and pretend they were of God, while trying to fool the King into believing in their gods, however, Daniel see’s through their trick, the rest is history. What or whom were there names, no one is interested either way, forgotten like useless salt, amen.

The lady needs to reduce her stress, to be rescued, she is being used, they try to drive her crazy, well, what is the outcome, where will they be sent, what happens to their efforts at prayer, the truth will unite those who are nefarious, into one common fate, why worry, The lessons on Eternity, why the long trek of the Israelite’s, forty years in the desert, what was the meaning. The lady is taunted, the heart is played with, those that seek support, are forced to sell a part of their insides in order to gain it, who would try to get away with all that, and those who play games at the cost to the Holy Spirit, are they not committing the eternal crime as Jesus says, amen.

Barney Dolphin and Taylor Swallow are composing a song. Environmental Hopes, Benny Dolphin sighs, that is some title, and while the words may be mimicked at times, are those doing that not getting their pretrial submissions read to them, well, this is the work you interfered with, while the words of Jesus tells them not everyone who calls me lord lord will be known to me, even if they think so, what is the reason for this, why the warnings, amen.

Barney Dolphin smiles, the words changed the course, a new direction is found, those who are trying to block communication with the Eternal One, are now having to present in that court, they will turn red for all the half truths they tell, will have to hide, amen.

The joy of God and how He teaches us, the lessons each day, the lady who put her trust in the One man, the emotions she committed to, or the games that were played on the unsuspecting ones, unable to verse their truth, and the plan made to out them all, lets face it, a confrontation with the Eternal power will soothe their devious behavior, and those left in difficult situations, and worse, will find ease, amen.

We all encounter God in everyday events, and the container of the womb, its coating is cleaned every month. We serve God in different ways, amen. Inside the health issue is enormous, and because of the way, sexuality was trafficked for so long, there are sometimes needs that have to be addressed, we are not what we were like 2,000 years ago, amen. Access to the internal, is a major issue for mankind, the stress that is caused, the memories that are reminded of in a regular way in the media, and the others, who try to draw interest to that difficult situation, often ostracized for speaking about it. Lets not fool yourselves. The health issue in those parts, is often an effort to draw attention to our own creation, we all arrived this way, look after it, its why the Apostle tells us, death is not something we fear, Jesus says the same, His Father is the living God, not the god of the dead, and its another pointer to Jesus, in terms of saying it, who has control of the soul after it passes, in short, where will you be sent, what disaster are you facing into, Abraham and Lazarus, need to say any more on it, amen.