boy meets false prophet

Elvis in the year 2024, well its sort of Elvis, well, don’t sell your talent for the short gain, times and faith will see you through, Tennis protege, talented coach has worked hard and long, the sparkle of success, you can have this, that, the other, wall street style life, and not in years to come but real soon, its aching the temptation, the talent is there, time matures it, a year later he is reading the Gary player book of golf, what are you doing asks his companion, what, he says nought, the greens are tricky like at Augusta, he thinks, I’m glad i stuck to the basics, Mrs Carey had one so called lesson, Mrs Carey you don’t need any lessons, so what are you doing in the bunker, what, its practice time, I want to learn the green slope, what, down on his hunkers, parallel to the ground almost, Gary Player, I’m reading the green, do greens do you for bucks though, hahaha, according to Gary, you have 2 putts per hole, that’s a lot for a round of golf, gold on the green, money in the bank.

That’s a nice driver, the price though, that other stuff, all the benefits, Gary Player again, you must learn how to struggle, even when learning to walk, and if you want to borrow this, why is he offering to help, maybe he just likes the way i golf, what does Mammy think, what, the two cars at the lights, flash and strong, flash has the glitter, Strong has performance, what would you choose, that old putter was a winner, why do I create such doubts, you lose a short foundation, what, the weather is always sunny on the circuit, think aloud, what am I doing this for, its not ambition alone, its inside, its character formation as well, think before you risk it, the way golf teaches you.

Solomon smiled, Mrs Carey, always ahead of the posse in terms of inner preparation, but she had all the housework and stuff done first, family, and if in doubt, what did Jesus answer, amen.

On offensive ways, sometimes it takes awhile to learn the new ways. What, the old society meets the new one, well, its more western, people are more outspoken, its a market driven world, to survive, its hard to be polite, or the games people play, like that scene in Schindler, the boy cleaning the bath, okay, so we have to put up with little insults, what are you shouting at, five minutes later they are sharing a fizzy drink., no harm intended, we survived that way, you would not believe what we have had to endure, patience, look, its the stuff that happens, traffic jams, there are more important issues, besides, the Almighty checks all motives, stop worrying.

The conversation

Throwing snowballs, comments, shooting the breeze, nothing daring or heavy. I am listening but what you say has holes all over it, I’m not going to comment. The way you can be hypnotized by the respect, or reputation people have. Relaxed, where were they getting it from, so relaxed, too relaxed, the face practically changes, to one known to him, interesting thought Sherlock Holmes, who else can he imitate, amen. Like it or love it, so what, they have common marks on the body too, is that, another dose of see the optometrist.

He recalls the time, it was troubling. One with doubts, one who sensed there was purchase in helping those others were concerned with, playing both sides, reminded him of the accountant, amen.