No need to point blame

Its a busy world. Joe does the cheap stuff, who needs to argue like that, what minds put you up to it. The effort to pour anxiety on what, some times, you need to just say nothing, that says more. Another in the wings, the story of the horse, it didn’t blend with every blood line. Siraj, the name of the horse, Gerald remembered.

The harbor walls, another Gerard works the shovel. The foundations thorough, the access, what is there now. A picture of the bay, and other stuff, what do they say in racing terms, the value of connections. No need to point blame, the horse could have been lame. The old codger, how do you know its off. Dave again, the mash potato and the pieces of bacon, the fork hits the table, he makes his opinion clear. Are those spuds from South Tipperary. The trip, what a drive down country, and the welcome, two boys, like children they were sighed Solomon, amen. Thanks Mrs Carey.

Red in new York, change the name of that book, your future conditions are improving by the hour, looking forward, the needs of the generations, smile, and say hello to Alison Joe and Laura too, cheers. Mrs Carey and the welcome she gave, cheerfully recalled, amen.


A ticket to the races, you can’t go in. The color. A chance encounter, was it football or hurling.

We need to extinguish threats to children, those of tender age. The future of the world, depends upon some wisdom. Where is the watch, Solomon wondered, was pressure put on the lady. Mrs Carey, the anniversary, peter and paul, the 29th. You’d expect some clarity from those with Spiritual business to attend to. Let it be as fast as the famous Galileo on the track.

Elephant and Crown

You get near the gates, its what is inside you that matters. The reputation with others won’t count for a dot. The furnace heat, the pressure, where to, the melting, gone, into what, reputation won’t matter. Health man, think of your health. The old monk sighs. Health, I’ve been hear before, don’t panic, what. No, I don’t mean its easy, I am one of the lucky ones. The health is not an issue. What. Look, Abraham, think of Abraham. Health, think of higher health, that leads to inside health. Inside, Jesus asks, the light you have, hope its the same inside you. What. The lady is tired, there is a sadness, there is also a happiness that once existed too. We wear the anxieties of those we fear for, and in mother hood, its even deeper. When your at ease, you can let the hair down, your stronger inside, your healthy, its easier to, conceive, a word, its not heard of too regularly, its private and emotional, it means wanting to have a child, many have the issue, there are ways to ease the problem, its a time thing.

Health, inside your not too worked out, its the stress on the body, concentrated pressure, there are those who try to encourage us to tighten the lower muscles, well, what, maybe its a way of stopping the leaks later, maybe. What would that infer, inside health, the way to help ourselves. They want to sit down and play games for awhile, read or relax, the muscles are not able to hold in the insides, its not unusual. It happens to men and women. Health, the sinews of muscle, birthing, the difficult in conceiving, tough interior, the seed, the need for cesareans, and then the effort of some to become great examples in sport, the sacrifice they make, perhaps they need to have a health bank for their issues ahead. Children need outdoor pursuit encouragement.

Health, the inside health, what habit is this, what matter is that, do we need to exploit it for the positive promotion of sport. You can freeze your parts now, well, if you reach a certain level, there ought to be a free program, not some costly experience. Uriel tells Esdras, mother nature and her difficulties, do we need to say it clearer, amen.

What is prior notice, what does it mean?. Health, the words had to come first, amen.

Apology to Children

Yes, the way the road was left unattended at times, many times, the one of celebrations, the fundamentals that were ignored. He is writing his resignation speech. Too much noise, fake and lies, screaming at the world, insisting on being right, screaming nonsense at truth, using bad news to stay in the headlines, knowing that the tired minds would forget, adding to their harm and doing so for an ambition, maybe i went too far, how what, those around me, the idea, i was trying to make up for the failures of others, and myself, how i tried to insist, but one thing is true, our minds are being reshaped, by some strange people, this i know to be true. Am I Looking at the mirror, is there truth in the words.

Of course we have to shed some habits, the lady and man relationship, how we use each other. The appeal continues.

Days are numbered so are the hairs on your head.

Gospel truth, time, and days are cut short for that reason too, the abuse of the Holy Spirit, I hope you are aware, the reference in the books, take a look, no holding hands, you go through the gap on your own, what, its not a tease, there is too much wild fantasy out there, its not the stuff they tend to talk of, rush of blood no consequences usually, not for the low in estimation where Heavenly beings go, well, you know that you offend, you know that you trick, you know the eternal consequence, what can you complain of, there is nothing in your defense, amen, to put it politely.

Well, compassion and mercy, ah they say, now in the times of bible time and Jesus style revelations, you have to practice it. You commit to offend, that is it, amen.

No, the dog is not confused, those around the dog are confused. What do you mean. Where did the dog get the habit. The way we imitate. Its a cause of anxiety in other places, and while they are right to be anxious, compassion works, you don’t allow the mutant gene to overtake the original, in short, we can blend the whiskey, but without the Spirit, what. No one to find use, Think of Joseph Cooney going into the west, credit when there was none, the business’s that stayed alive in the depression, and the works he was able to carry out, Listen if you have ears, what will Almighty God do, if its heard they are at it again, and have been in place, what then.

Orla and Benny talk the business of expanding hearts.

The Coffee House

The dog is looking so clean, the sun is out, there is a glow on the faces, the joy of the children, the rescue friend, the need for the assistance, building and material, rescue animals, what would the charity be, the animals, what, the rock band, what, the animals, Eric Burden, the man who brought our jimi to London. No, its a long recall, the words are incoherent, the band, he has listened to the story, is biding his time, the listener, the patience we need, listen, the visit with the man, it could be an old relative, an unwanted marriage, we’ll meet again, for these times, she will not worry, she has contact with him, and when she feels worry, just mention the name, they will be booking holidays to the dark creek hotel, never to be seen again, what, the fear. He saw the predator walk the park, seeking, anyone vulnerable, is that how they behave, trusted in their ways, the seat beside, the booze, the heat later, is that how it works.

Vulnerable, the way they look, sun is up, the mirage, the man wanders, its not as if there is a golden return, this is victiming, short and simple, whatever the level, whatever the club, there are types of people who prey on the vulnerable, that’s all. The relationship does not tend to last either, its the feeder fish they are interested in, who blocks their way, in human terms, the Power of Mrs Carey, or Jesus, where do you find strength, who holds it up, who knows how to turn it around, the coffee shop owner, the manager. the maitre’d, there are roles that people play. If only. no bother if only, that’s a chat up line for an ejit. The use of words that attach to the ear, the big stuff, what sort of word is that, mention ice cream, everyone wants one, mention religion, most people are confused, mention truth, what, what does that mean, some form of insult is taken, and the big defense, as if.

The story is long, words, more words, is there anything i can have effect with, what special words, get them to commit, the sales technique, they won’t want to contradict themselves, the TV person, the debate, the audience watching, who what when next, and the large set of time set in the mind, the exam technique, what will the algorithm come up with when. They buy the program, to make it sound as if its original, imagine the Heavenly Consequences if there was any sort of malfeasance at that level, given God’s Holy Command, would you rate your chances, would you have any. They are discussing Orwell, another evening chat, the joy of words, its not a personal interest, boo to all that, the ready way we dismiss people, and the thought of the happy interest, we must have coffee again.

We could write a new sound, Barney Dolphin smiles, new sounds. Taylor Swallow is writing away, Benny Dolphin wants his royalty cheque from previous efforts, when Orla the monk arrives, sea biscuits of course.

She works without anxiety, her head is clear, she is looking years younger, there is lightness about her, what happened, people ask, closer to Jesus works, amen. And a good jive!

Children are not the parents. Its a combination. The bits you want to encourage, the habits to be aware of, how to get over the humps, Katherine said it wisely, knowing yourself helps so much, where did that come from. The legitimacy, who is trying to pretend to be light, by falsely encouraging those with light, who fools them, the long term view, we have habits that are not too well recognized, its olden times, the social drama did exist, it wasn’t supposed to happen, the pressure arrives, so things change, its hard for love to mature at times, it can be difficult. The day arrives, pressure cooker, we break, we hire a psychic detective, it goes crazy, they give us access, set us on a trail, its poisonous, and we get away with it, until we reach the heights, and there are those who teach it to others, interfering with minds, experimenting in places, where the energy is high.

Solomon sighed, I will refer them to the working order of slaves in Hades, amen. He see’s them reading the machine, what is this, he is saying, well, we are aware you are crooks, and we have eternal power, many have been let down, and the health troubles caused, have been reported to the eternal power, its what happens automatically, its not personal, and the effort to conceal and cause harm indirect, does not later the sentiment, its time that ring was caught, and the take off delayed, so hi to the whatever s, the detectives can contact the pulse, and know there was a sell off there too, cheer up, amen.

Orla The Monk…

Solomon is encountering turbulence. Christmas Dinner, magic man, the clarity that is needed, Jesus says, sometimes we need a prayer, can you take a short cut and petition directly, amen. I tell the story of your great cottage, and the joy of your smile. To this day, there are still samples of your work about. Danish.

Great news too, Denmark has a soccer team.

Barney. oh barney, saint Stephen’s night, we wonder where you went. How is the new accommodation going, hope the food is as good. A few souls are waiting to get through the gates, the old guard are doing the thing Jesus warned of, making it difficult, amen.

All those years, cigar smoke in the bathroom, how did I think, do they need to ask. It was fine to the senses too, the joy of the memory, and the other bits. Learning guitar, a long way to go yet, noise and rhythm, I only asked for forty years of lessons. Eventually, they even cheated me on some stuff, well, I prefer to believe, too much cynicism about, i had to take it up myself and they assumed i was slow. I asked for wisdom, i thought there would be lots of it about, since few were using it.

Trouble with that…Where’s the Porch

Its hard to get excited, there is much on the mind, the needs of others, the fear of Mrs Carey. What, she rings the bells that awaken the One, and there is proof of that in places. What, well, you create unwanted damage, Mrs Carey will be at the door, defender supreme when it comes to her children and others too. Her wide cast, a legacy from her father, Joseph. The soul mirror, can we see through the eyes, how about some serious intervention, the number seven, the rescue article. Juice gets the phone call, Humphrey on the line, never heard direct before. The lady at the lodgings, take a picture first, at the first encounter, security dear, it will have a very calming affect, Jesus on the evil spirit when it leaves and runs over dry land, it says to itself, we will return when the house is clean, and bring others even worse than ourselves. The experience, well, the words were heard, the ears of Solomon listening, is this real, the aftermath.

The baby cries, her heart hears, thousands of miles away, the mother hears, the pain. How to deal with it, dull the senses, the road to addiction or the controlling substance, to stop the appeal. relax now, the heavenly chord is playing, ask in the Holy Name, Christ Jesus asks us all, to Pray to the Father, he hears you. The evidence is in the holy books, the parables are plenty on it, the night time is calmer and sweeter, amen.

You only get a food choice the warden says, well, the other functions won’t be of much interest, at least you get a choice of menu, not bad considering. The concentration of the nerves, where are they going to send me, amen. Old Amo, simple advice, preparedness. The young lady is in a room, they are working out the M.O., how is it possible, how did they get away with this, we have the prints and more, but we have view evidence of her being elsewhere. What do you think sarge, they look at her. Multiple, she says, its a multiple, what, a kaleidoscope of them, what do you suggest. Where is the food pick, what, has anyone been to a dentist lately. Colombo smiles, he is out with the missus, turn left dear, what, I don’t want you id’d, the faces, is that why we always do it in the dark, what, last night she says. The candles, i forgot the candles.

My hip is at me, Mrs Carey she will help you, her son has the habit they say. What, is he sanctified like them others, well, he does it the old way. No organization involved, how are the eyes, why not ask your son to intervene, he has a fine connection too, and what else, are they still hounding you another asks, well, who put them in the clover, Mrs Carey is on the task again, Heaven is getting a holy earful, hurry up was her advice. The Argentinian lady, she speaks well of him, what was the connection there. I heard he was building his own network as they say, what, a view to the future, you have to have a few in the pocket, a tip from Holmes, and what of the recordings, well, what did they expect to hear, they were foolish in their thirsts, amen.

Why did i do that stay at home thing while i was in Paris, i could have stayed there, the wine was great, and the bill unpaid, would have been a great excuse, you know how they rush to conclusions. The french open too, what, that will breeze over, it is purely a misunderstanding, they listen to reason, even if others think otherwise. What, 1,000 year old vines need protecting, that’s all.

He fills his suitcase with the tools of malice. The text, some fresh cases to deal with. The money is transferred. Bond is on the case, he goes under the radar, who is the next unsuspecting victim, horror for sale at no risk to the abuser, is that a reference to a world without God and no after life, what a mistake to make, well, well, Mr Bond.

A drive through the country, the plus eight is pulling clean, the rev counter is lazy, the driver relaxed. In the mirror, the companion laughs, the days they stole from us, amen. Elijah, the book of James, the prophets, the young man needs a little client potential, the fish are waiting, the embers stoked, you don’t want them to go to waste. Hurry young man, he calls the pilot, when, he checks his watch, where is it, where is it gone, he looks at the table, the bathroom before, so much on his mind, a birthday present, and Mrs Carey’s anniversary as well, amen.

Music and feeling, Spirit lift, the joy of the beat, feet moving, inside release, the dance floor, you have to move, the Eternal Spirit, living, its always moving, rest, the night time, easy grooves, positive head, then the dream of the next day, and your days are filling, ambition, how to help the world, its not selfish, easy to learn when reaching out, there is prayer in thinking of others, living prayers, amen.

Reaching out…

The interference was constant, there were others trying to find space inside, their children were being devoured. They had no idea how to stop it, and when they did, they heard threats, it was demonic. He is explaining the situation. There was the words of Jesus on the subject, they needed help, and they were on the run, where to stop, when would it stop. Sometimes they lose the plot, the inside pressure, all they needed was breathing space. She asks him for stories on the relations. What were they like, he likes the look on her face. Well, granny was a winner, she loved that stuff, you should have seen her in action, the cooking was legend, everyone wanted her buns. The eager eyes, Solomon is passing on the words. Imagine being in that zone of influence, the bonus later when you grow a little. What, you need to practice the stuff, learn and keep it going, the head needs space to deal with the modern world, its just so busy, you expand the mind, there is parking space inside, its that simple. What, think of a library, they store books in different departments.

How everyday living gives us insights into the higher living. Jesus tells us to reach out, think about it, and it will agree with you, its the same with lots of things. The wider the cast, the longer the reach, Jesus and the fisherman. Its always connected. The lady or the mother, the children at the heart, how its at the front of the mind when young. as you get older, and they have grown up, let it be their anxiety not yours, reach out for yourself, and when they see the gap in their own lives, they will be reaching out to you, in the meantime look after you, it will work out.

Agent Juice and Bond are on vacation, the rest is a requirement of Sir Humphrey. He will love the idea of bond relaxing, and juice getting free time. There are those who look into the minds, Humphrey has a plan too, amen.

Yuk sauce, try some of this, aaahhhhh.

Mrs Carey and the Agha

She won a lot of cooking competitions too, it wasn’t only the gulf. What, oh, that was her sister, or her daughter, ? I mean the golf actually. He drove a green one for awhile, great engines in the VW, strong. Mrs Carey, what, you’ve been drinking. Little Mrs Carey laughs. I told you so, tell him to eat his vegetables. And they won first and second regularly. That was the cooker they had, it was great at holding the temperature in. What, cooking, you have to hold the head, don’t open it when in the middle, the contents can flop as they say. You have been drinking, okay, the Renault is hard to resist, when your older you’ll understand.

He looks over the table, this is free, great. Well, not free, when your free in mind, the thoughts of the Upper Spirit can run freer too.

Later that evening, she is looking at the wall paintings. It’s very stimulating. How does it make you feel she asks. Me, well, its the story of poverty, how some use it to dampen the well being, its the masonic thought, the inner sense of well-being. What she says. After you stop invading other countries, you tend to dine on your own. She laughs, are we alone now. No darling, I have to teach you some English, later she says. Ich Bin ein..Vollansie mit me a slaffen,… oh try again. Learning a language, how it helps form space inside the head.

Tech brain comes into the boardroom. Tech brain lives on bits of code. Ideas don’t come naturally with him. The previous stuff has made them lots. What has he this time. A third time, its the same, an early riser, gets up from the table, I’ll do this myself. What next, amen. Jesus on the virtue of patience, amen. Third party news, how they can mislead. The old owl knows it when those around him, are chancing it, bringing in what, amen. What does the gut teach you?.