Early intervention in childhood

Expectations, the teacher in front of the class, some say we have learned, the first years, the problems are easy to sort, the emotions explained, lessons easily learned, in the early years we learn and pick up quickly, Ms. Dooley and the kindness of her friend, poet friend of the author, Saturdays, the children in care or having had to be taken in, the two friends and on occasion the writer, when the children were being returned, the mother relationship, the longing and the hopeful hug, you won’t forget me, years of inspiration, in need years later or reaching out, yes, there were those there for me, such a little thought, how it can curb the anger some may feel, as everyone understands, it only takes a silly moment, when stupid stuff can happen. The little friend, monastery times, before that a trusting relationship, observed by strangers too, not a manufactured syrup mixture that blob the fake tears, and the reminder to the Heavens, we don’t want a repeat of that, or any unnecessary threats, because of other connected relationships.

Early embryo of thoughts, the new ideas that enter the space, those that try to muddle with that process, the loss years later, would the Spirit trust in such behavior going forward, this is no peace process of any kind, this is the glorious relationship with the Eternal power, the road to long term success. In short, while the spirit might have had to flee, from many spaces, Jesus and his question asked, the need to have complete confidence in the future, sometimes your better to do it yourself, as leaving it to others can create mayhem later, so the author considers the thought, and the holes left in places. God Most High will ask why, the author will give the same simple answer, amen.

International affairs, well, lets say, since the signs came from above, there never has been so many changes, once confident supply lines were cut in two, experts were removed from office, spin doctors left speechless, the foundations of networks, removed, a new form of thinking forming, we can only make changes, lets think of the new interventions.

Solomon on interventions, a country is going through changes, the usual conflict, anxiety within the same religious interest divisive, the common thread, the power of God through the words of Jesus, an unsurmountable fact, we can’t be victorious without this, its time to open the Gospels of Jesus, and when they do, the solve the division that’s been going on for years. That same division was and has been used, to cause wars to happen, where other interests, for the purpose of gain, use the bitterness among rivals, to steal the resources of other nations, the democracy removed, a new dictator in place, the promise of help, the new leaders glad to have got a victory over the so called enemy. Now they know they have to account by words of Jesus, it’s interesting reading. How our anger is used against us.

The children need more of our time, they wont manage it alone, there is strong ability in the family, but it has to be handled with delicacy. Stubborn and weak, when its inside the person its not dealt with that way, no matter how cunning you may appear. The need to set aside your ambitions, slow your intellectual progress, why ask, years later and you have more difficult issues to deal with, then who do we blame, or point the finger at. It just happens, in the world where so much is committed to, time is hard to find. The lady, say the mother, she hasn’t time to worry about pride or reputation or what others think, she has to think of her children, she scrubs and cleans, keeps doing it, then with time well spent, it begins to work out. Early intervention, there is so much of the adult on view, and there is a weakness in the population, we are targeted for our internal desires, actively so, the weakness in mother nature verifies this, over use of chemicals, the social fabric, relationships are not the same, children though can adjust, our reaction to people, whom we are attracted to, there is a muddle in the interests, the response, or what it should have been, time and patience, while work is spent, time, on placing the difficult stuff away from the young. They are only going to react to it. So called experts knew this would happen, and there was a glut of mind experts and their so called expertise, exploiting the moment, many making it even worse, extending the fantasy that is and was, making them a good living. Why was it allowed to happen, and the innocent victims, and the smart psychology of those who use, slang framed to inflame the emotions, Jesus has words on the use of words, be seriously warned, the signs are not a letter from your granny, they are from the source of your creation, is there anything redeeming about you, or will you hide under the sofa every time you hear a noise.

Imagine those that had their lives taken in conflict unjustly, the righteous dead. They call out, they are souls, some are walking the life of others already reborn, why have we peace in some places, or think of those who are too aware of their evil thoughts and deeds, they get the daily warning, does this sign apply to us, or will it be next time. Jesus always encouraging, the help is there for the amending souls, early intervention, at least we can help those already gone ahead, perhaps that’s a thought worth hanging onto, otherwise, what is it do we want to save, other than our souls, and God has control over them, even when we pass, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, whom should we fear, amen.

Imagine Benny Dolphin teaching his friends, imagine the boy who used to see the monastery on Sundays, imagine the response to disappointments, imagine the response from God Almighty, amen. Jesus and Children, amen.