Re building the nation…

The enterprising man is invited to take a look, the opportunity is humongous. They study the contracts, its a very tempting offer. They are real but not nefarious. Those leading are thinking, the immensity of the offers, then the reality dawns. Later in silence, the thought. Rebuilding was the word, it happened to be a nation, cash rich, he prays to God, declines. A desert highway, a head on with a truck how, and then the spying operation, who else knew, were they the same, and the effort to use the state, of another nation to help hide their intentions. Did this happen in the Middle East, amen.

Show of Strength

Jesus turned the other cheek, what strength, to allow himself to be humiliated, the soldiers trying to goad him, the cover over his head, who is hitting you now, the man condemned, little did they know he could have turned them to ash if he had chosen to, yet he held to the power of the Eternal father, then the thunder and the storms, which terrified those who willfully convicted him, knowing they had offended their God, what a load to put on your people, those who trusted in them, sold out, so that their system could continue, and they wondered. They were meek, those that followed the orders of their leaders, Jesus would have said other things, even the laws that they held to, he even gave them examples, when they themselves had broken them.

I’m all powerful, the Spirit needs to live, it’s not sheltered other than in the loving hearts, and that trust in love, why do you need that other power when all you have to do is look up, who keeps that in place. The leaders meet, used to the celebrity status that surrounds them, treated liked as if they were kings, were, being the key point, which one of them gave to the Spirit, preferring their reputations, of the material variety over the eternal. Mother nature hangs on, she can breathe again, they are aware of my needs, she is submerged in an inner darkness, she finds the life, her creatures recover. Those facing the exit of this world, will want to re consider their chances, the eternal boss knows of all their lies, their deceptions. How they use others, the servants of the people, the hold they had, they had, now they are aware of the eternal risk, which they have no hold over, their very souls on the line. Jesus didn’t do the miraculous for everyone, those that believed were encouraged, and the story is told, remind them of what the Spirit from above can do, worship the One True God, not the multiple imitations, they are just servants of another, they are a circus act, they too will be replaced in time, not the Eternal Spirit.

The mothers pride, her child, their children, their future, what you have to do to be loved, it’s not supposed to be a bargain, it’s supposed to be a union. As for corruption, it is not what you call corruption, even among the pharisee’s there were those among them, who broke rank for Jesus, it wasn’t the little extras they got that made them corrupt, it was those that corrupted the system that they had to deal with, that forced them into actions, others perceived and the do gooders crooned about, ask McCarthy, J Edgar Hovers, say it as you like, spying on the people, while practicing something else in private himself. With a new yawk accent it sounds familiar, does it not, another caboodle.

And the bishops and princes of the so called church, to serve God their purpose, what were they doing getting involved in politics, the fear they imposed on those that spoke out, or the so called example, what were they doing, turning the Holy Seat into a bogey man, who will be next to take the place, and they wonder, why Francis was first out of the traps, I’m surrounded by demons in this place, preferring to live outside it.

2023, In the Holy Land as it’s called, the people at last standing up, we are of God, while those that pretend to represent, doing what was done to them, during those dark years of the war, afraid to acknowledge, we are all from different flocks, the words of Jesus, and they wonder why the walls are speaking, the Almighty letting them know, who is really in charge, will you allow your pride to condemn you, amen.

Jesus was the ultimate Great Teacher with the bad reputation, he threatened the living of those who imposed the rules, their rules against the very people, the Almighty had chosen, and they wonder, why are there two vineyard stories, has anyone explained it yet, or do they blind themselves for comfort sake, or as Uriel said to Esdras, why worry about those who only worry about their earthly reputation while ignoring the reputation that matters for all eternity. amen.

The earthly gods line up at the table, all smiles, their private secretaries screening their every word, who will be offended by that. Meanwhile those who used to progress by taking over the resources of other nations, the means for hiding their thefts, hidden, well hidden no more, while the resource that makes it happen, the true Spirit, back in the hearts of those that really believe.

Interesting days ahead said Macbeth, why did shakey write all that stuff, the Kings of the earth, now the pawns of the earth, who now have to face divine certainty, and to think they ignored the word of God, well, whom should you fear, the One with dominion of the soul before and after the passing, your not going to do that to Grandfather the children ask, he looks at his child, why do you think that, she holds up the holy book, cause Jesus said so, his is dumbstruck, changes the plan to invade the innocent nation, all because they threatened to pay for their goods using a different currency, did they read Schindler and the value of currency when the battle is done, proved to be worthless, and the reasons they gave, all bogus, their interests, dividing the people so the same hate could be fueled while nations could be felled like trees, until Mother Nature gave out, and her messages finally got through, the lesson in shakey talk, one day you will have to answer for it, but don’t rush it, there are many happy days to fill, amen, just prepare the ground, and stop the poison that almost destroyed the Spirit in man, amen.

Pause for a Monday, prayer for the living, you are not forgotten, amen.