Paid to Cause Chaos….

how often, she is unbalanced as it is, she is literally a push over, there is only so much she can handle, they tear away at her like ferrets, she is slowly worn down, the way a herd of hyenas tracks a lion, one group replaces the other, till the great lion is downed, there is one of him/her

, by many of them. Solomon sighed, the way the news can drown the mind, and the tactics used by those who try to undermine what they can’t destroy.

In the old days, the sticks were collected, the people assembled in the square, the bonfire lit, the victim burns, many of them women, who happened to have ideas, nothing more.

But he recalled the ancient words of Jesus, and what he spoke of the Holy Spirit, then thought of those who tried to harm the vulnerable, those that supplied those of perverse habits, those that encouraged dark habits in children, wasn’t it all an assault on the Inner Spirit, too right it was, just no one was saying it. As for those who cause chaos, he felt sorry for them, they only put marks on themselves, you are never alone, having seen the Spirit, there was no cause for alarm….

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