Nature needs our nurture!

What, the purists look at the little boy, what, nature, what can we do about it. Imagine Jesus in the temple, all those years, the small boy is captivating the established teachers of the law as it was known, explaining to them, we recall the story, its in the Gospel of Jesus, the same Jesus, that’s some boy they say, who is his mother and father. They see their boy in the company of the older men, they almost apologies, was he disturbing you they might have asked, the pharisee’s being the keepers of the Holy Law as its known, little did they know, that they were listening to their future boss.

Solomon recalls the afternoon tea at the home of Father Nivard, he is having scones and tea with his little pal, the boy is learning the ways of life, how to do the little things. We all need to be directed at times. Anyway, there are a group of men seated at a table, they are well got in terms of their faith, devout men. AS he passes their table, Solomon says to them, pointing to the child, that’s your boss, as if to say, children will be our judges, look after them, may your thoughts be acceptable to them, or in short, lead them to ways that are inclusive of the needs of the youngest. Solomon was on the mission, and the Sunday trip became part of the journey, amen. As with all rests, there are times when you need to set aside your normal work, the spirit inside has to refresh, same as the environment, you have to look after it, the birds use the air, the animals drink water, while mother nature gets to hear of their woes, and suffers on account of it, amen.

The lion in winter, the traumas’ that nations and peoples have gone through, the legacy issues, the past failings, those that took advantage of the circumstances, perhaps they failed to understand what life was about, they were encouraged to seek and gather, they perhaps forgot to think of the needs of mother nature. How God and mother nature teaches us; the story is on the picture, the big lion stands full, he is being hugged by his human friend of old, you were the one who helped raise me, people are surprised, most of anyone sensible would have run off, but they trusted each other, there was no fear, they could talk, there was no anxiety, the human friend helped the nurture, and we get example after example, sea biscuit being one such time, the world in great depression, then the wonder horse arrives, puts smiles on many places, the outsider wins, the heart working full throttle when needed. Before his time with his trusted trainer, the horse didn’t want to run, and so we ask, does nurture work, amen. As with people or beings from other places, when we listen to them, how friendships happen, its just that, what we call understanding takes time, besides who wants to ignore the fact, that you can talk with God on a daily basis, sometimes you have to step back, there are other fans who want to get a word or request in, maybe that’s why we need DJ’s, amen.

Solomon on life; what are we without the help of God. Sometimes we forget that, its the reason you need balance in life, the mountain is climbed from different directions, it can be harsh in places, power doesn’t make it happen, you need others with you, or to say it like in times of old, using the parables, Jesus of course who asks us to reach out, your treasures are in your heart, just keep the thought, and where do we store those nurturing thoughts, need we ask, amen. Borders are crossed, friends become enemies, or friendships are made, foes become friends, makes you think?.

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