Using your special talents

Benny Dolphin smiles, Barney and Taylor are writing some catchy lyrics. Orla the Monk smiles, a plate of sea biscuit cookies in his hands. Are they for me Barney asks, Benny looks over, okay says barney, just asking. The song will help others understand the special skills they have. Benny wants the children of the world to know, that their One True Father, God Almighty, looks after his children, and not to be fearful or ever afraid. Many are confused in the modern world, the outside of the container is all that they see, while Jesus tells us, what is inside the container is what truly matters. In the world that is so vain at times, its hard to look beyond what the eyes see, and Jesus tells a parable to explain all this, and how people are deceived. Jesus even tells them, tells us all, that people will be fooled for awhile, so don’t be upset, the real truth will emerge, and your Holy Father will see to those who deceive, and decide on their fate, so leave it to trusting in God. Don’t worry yourself, work at what is positive, and don’t be afraid to take a break and enjoy yourself at times, otherwise you will wear yourself out. Not everyone had lots of the Holy Stuff, but once you make that connection, its like calling God every-time you have a thought, its that strong, the power of the Holy Spirit. We are even told it takes time to train yourself in order to use the Spirit wisely. Driving a fast car, you need special training, its the same for vital skills, seven years to train as a doctor, does it not make sense, amen.

Healing thoughts, they are the electric thoughts that stir the heart. Jesus has words on this too. If you have a socket you can charge up the machine. Thinking Jesus will save you in many ways, and thinking Jesus tells you to reach out. its written in the Holy Books. The reason we have troubles in the world is to explain to others, that the world needs us to perform better in many ways. Then we are told of the types of virtues we need to encourage. As Jesus found out in sorry, when the troubles of this world arrive, many so called friends soon depart, its like when we have what they want they are all for us, when we don’t, they jump ship and try someone else. So don’t be disappointed.

Barney Dolphin and Taylor are in the middle of the song,

“your in the special category of soul, the class is there to assist you in being thoughtful, there are not many able or prepared to do this, why God chooses you is the great luck you have, why worry when the King of creation has picked you out, your special, so special you’ll smile anytime you want”

Benny Dolphin sheds a tear, he knows all about special. Special is a very gifted category of person or soul. he looks at the young ones, they are finally working it out, while Jesus answers the question, only that was 2,000 years ago, so its not the blind leading the blind, its real.

Orla sighs, he has lived awhile on the magic island, he needed to pray, and be alone with God. The time he spent alone, is now time being spent with great friends. Yes, he looks at the three friends, imagine he sighs, two dolphins and a swallow, and the odd seagull for company, all of them able to talk to each other. Benny sighs, the dream years before, was he emerging from a container, no, he was a bird being given its wings, no his thoughts cross the world, where those in need of hope, pick them up, the way a fish is plucked from the river, spotted by a bird hundreds of feet away, how is it possible for the bird to see the tiny fish, the swallow flies above the water eating flies while speeding along, in and out, over and across, the bird fills up, later, the environmental person asks, the need to look after mother nature. what happens when we remove the food chain, the very unbalanced diet, well, we used to eat fish, they have gotten smaller, the trace elements in our system, the need for a diet that suits us, rather then one that feeds our vanities amen.

Solomon the prophet sighs, we need ways to encourage the young artists, they need the words and lyrics that reach the hearts of the young, those of the Spirit, the Holy Righteous, need to have success too, and wisdom needs to protect those that disguise their good intentions in the most difficult of places, there are those who can interfere with the mind, and that’s very real. More of the heavenly is good news for all, it also gives mankind extra time to work out its problems. amen.

Just remember, God Most High exists, amen. As Jesus says, you have one Holy Father, His father in Heaven. Why, ask wisdom, what is in heaven is eternal, amen. Golly its dark in here, its very hot, anyone to talk to, what, no answer, imagine an existence like that, amen.

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