The Coffee House

The dog is looking so clean, the sun is out, there is a glow on the faces, the joy of the children, the rescue friend, the need for the assistance, building and material, rescue animals, what would the charity be, the animals, what, the rock band, what, the animals, Eric Burden, the man who brought our jimi to London. No, its a long recall, the words are incoherent, the band, he has listened to the story, is biding his time, the listener, the patience we need, listen, the visit with the man, it could be an old relative, an unwanted marriage, we’ll meet again, for these times, she will not worry, she has contact with him, and when she feels worry, just mention the name, they will be booking holidays to the dark creek hotel, never to be seen again, what, the fear. He saw the predator walk the park, seeking, anyone vulnerable, is that how they behave, trusted in their ways, the seat beside, the booze, the heat later, is that how it works.

Vulnerable, the way they look, sun is up, the mirage, the man wanders, its not as if there is a golden return, this is victiming, short and simple, whatever the level, whatever the club, there are types of people who prey on the vulnerable, that’s all. The relationship does not tend to last either, its the feeder fish they are interested in, who blocks their way, in human terms, the Power of Mrs Carey, or Jesus, where do you find strength, who holds it up, who knows how to turn it around, the coffee shop owner, the manager. the maitre’d, there are roles that people play. If only. no bother if only, that’s a chat up line for an ejit. The use of words that attach to the ear, the big stuff, what sort of word is that, mention ice cream, everyone wants one, mention religion, most people are confused, mention truth, what, what does that mean, some form of insult is taken, and the big defense, as if.

The story is long, words, more words, is there anything i can have effect with, what special words, get them to commit, the sales technique, they won’t want to contradict themselves, the TV person, the debate, the audience watching, who what when next, and the large set of time set in the mind, the exam technique, what will the algorithm come up with when. They buy the program, to make it sound as if its original, imagine the Heavenly Consequences if there was any sort of malfeasance at that level, given God’s Holy Command, would you rate your chances, would you have any. They are discussing Orwell, another evening chat, the joy of words, its not a personal interest, boo to all that, the ready way we dismiss people, and the thought of the happy interest, we must have coffee again.

We could write a new sound, Barney Dolphin smiles, new sounds. Taylor Swallow is writing away, Benny Dolphin wants his royalty cheque from previous efforts, when Orla the monk arrives, sea biscuits of course.

She works without anxiety, her head is clear, she is looking years younger, there is lightness about her, what happened, people ask, closer to Jesus works, amen. And a good jive!

Children are not the parents. Its a combination. The bits you want to encourage, the habits to be aware of, how to get over the humps, Katherine said it wisely, knowing yourself helps so much, where did that come from. The legitimacy, who is trying to pretend to be light, by falsely encouraging those with light, who fools them, the long term view, we have habits that are not too well recognized, its olden times, the social drama did exist, it wasn’t supposed to happen, the pressure arrives, so things change, its hard for love to mature at times, it can be difficult. The day arrives, pressure cooker, we break, we hire a psychic detective, it goes crazy, they give us access, set us on a trail, its poisonous, and we get away with it, until we reach the heights, and there are those who teach it to others, interfering with minds, experimenting in places, where the energy is high.

Solomon sighed, I will refer them to the working order of slaves in Hades, amen. He see’s them reading the machine, what is this, he is saying, well, we are aware you are crooks, and we have eternal power, many have been let down, and the health troubles caused, have been reported to the eternal power, its what happens automatically, its not personal, and the effort to conceal and cause harm indirect, does not later the sentiment, its time that ring was caught, and the take off delayed, so hi to the whatever s, the detectives can contact the pulse, and know there was a sell off there too, cheer up, amen.

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