Barney Bee does some thinking…

Little barney, he has a load on him, the pollen he has collected, the hive a distance away, he struggles but persists, his friends are not as visible as they used to be, those sprays, he pulls over onto a tree, allows the dirty cloud of dust to pass, dirt in the petrol trouble with the power. Barney sighs, this is hard work, he delays, thinks of all the hives he has been to, wonders. Will you do something, the little bee and his antenna, the signal is strong, and it it getting stronger, the noise he makes, he keeps it safe, he has a right to be dismayed at times, but still he persists, electricity, where does Barney’s power come from.

Cables, the legendary trainer knows the welfare of those in his care. The power lines can play havoc with their energy, it gets trapped inside, he has heard of it before, he makes his protest because of his resources and who he is. He wins the case, the pylons are moved.

She has gifts of the eternal kind, needs to connect to another source, the same way a car has to leave a showroom, otherwise it’s another trinket on a shelf, admired but never seen in use. Her mind is delicate, the talent enormous, it’s obviously a sensitive subject. How to dispel the anxiety, the need to express the gift, its frustration, the mind needs a lift, so do the passions, the inside release, she has always sought the perfect way, and now, as she comes under pressure, she at times, overacts, what can i do, where do i go for solace, the closeness she once felt is going cold, there is family, what can she do about it. Jesus and the Power of God, she decides to take the chance, the power she has, is related to the power of Heaven. In her solace, she is encouraged by those who are trying to calm her down, an unlikely alliance, who is the good Samaritan, what did Jesus say, why the emphasis on Spiritual wellness, the deeper meaning. Jesus wasn’t told by Satan what to do, he wasn’t possessed either, he had a choice, the time very demanding, he is tired and hungry, he is in a desert world, not the desert, but in a world deserted of Spirit, he is alone. He is able to withstand the temptation. If Jesus was tempted, what are we, amen.

A young man has an illness deemed fatal, according to the press and medical reports. Its grueling, the reports in the papers, even doctors are uncertain, there is a variety of help, the short term, acceptance and short term ease of symptom, or the long road, take the medicines, some new, some untried, in short, hold on, maybe a better medicine will emerge, we are finding cures for everything. From a depressing outlook, and lack of support, he chose the short option. In the need to encourage, the extended kindness of others really makes the difference.

A man serves His God, does the work, puts up with stuff, keeps the good fight, harsh times, a continuous assault on the front line, colleagues fall, still he believes, sixty years of service, that is a lot to be joyful of. He hears the words of, well done, there are blessings, you have more to do, the light that arrives, sure notice, prayers are being heard.

The poet prophet goes into the Holy Sanctuary. His place of preference on Sundays, a place he takes his little charge too, when able to. In this place, into the Power of Heaven, the thoughts will flow, his life will be noted, and an abundance of Angels, will be told what to do. The prophet, listens to the music and sits in silence. There is no electric lines, no other power that can be interfered with, he talks with an Old Soul, a very reverent soul with access to Heaven. The prophet, his prayers in the zone, tells the Old Holy Man of his progress to date, what it going on, how there is much to do, and is told direct, God is Happy with you, keep it going, amen. A rare gift, to hear such words of your performance. More gifts flow and insights. Years later, he looks back, that was some compliment. In need of words, he only has to think, as if the Eternal One is placing the words in him, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the promise to the apostles, amen. Keep it going, the One who judges is near, amen.

Meanwhile, barney bee decides to take a few days off. The magic island, he has heard of another barney, then another barney. Barney the Cat, now its Barney Crow, now its Barney Dolphin. Could it be true, Mother Nature is getting a break and the world she is the queen of, Nature, is beginning to show signs of recovery.

You won’t need to see the Lawyer, he see’s the car, turns around, no one could have escaped that, the crush. I heard you were gone, right car, that other dude. How did he escape it. Ask God. The number of the plate, Ali something.

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