
I am who I am, the lady is young, she is tempted by the company, the offer of a drink, she looks at the older man, well, my mother and what she thinks, the way we change under the influence, the spirit in the drink, a seagull flies in the wind, flutters wildly, lands on a shiny object vision obscured, its the detonator of a mine, the bird explodes, she looks at the older man, what is inside, have we learned too much, she is coy draws the attention, what is it in the minds, could it be a friend or wise counsel, she wonder what happened to her friend, what, the tale is a difficult story, was it true, she looks at the reflection in the glass, we can turn into monsters on the stuff, and what next, a report in a newspaper, then the jealous instinct of the scorned lover, the rage that some get into , he smiles, a friend comes in, his, they are now talking freely, a teacher and a preacher, what is this, she feigns a departing smile, I have got business elsewhere, the two men smile, she is good at detecting but is not afraid either, he puts the card back in his jacket, two tickets to Hawaii, well, she could have had the dream, well, its hard being of God, the level of mistrust sowed, who are these sorts, its another election day, what qualities do you want to encourage, the thought is going on while we speak, every day the choices we make, the struggle to find that trust, the angel smiles, she is out the door, oh I forgot my purse, she returns, Ah you knew me after all, what, his friend hands her an envelope, your next assignment angel, the movie ends, the caption, who do you fly with, in trouble, lets hope its one experienced in the cockpit, amen.

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