Mrs Carey and the Agha

She won a lot of cooking competitions too, it wasn’t only the gulf. What, oh, that was her sister, or her daughter, ? I mean the golf actually. He drove a green one for awhile, great engines in the VW, strong. Mrs Carey, what, you’ve been drinking. Little Mrs Carey laughs. I told you so, tell him to eat his vegetables. And they won first and second regularly. That was the cooker they had, it was great at holding the temperature in. What, cooking, you have to hold the head, don’t open it when in the middle, the contents can flop as they say. You have been drinking, okay, the Renault is hard to resist, when your older you’ll understand.

He looks over the table, this is free, great. Well, not free, when your free in mind, the thoughts of the Upper Spirit can run freer too.

Later that evening, she is looking at the wall paintings. It’s very stimulating. How does it make you feel she asks. Me, well, its the story of poverty, how some use it to dampen the well being, its the masonic thought, the inner sense of well-being. What she says. After you stop invading other countries, you tend to dine on your own. She laughs, are we alone now. No darling, I have to teach you some English, later she says. Ich Bin ein..Vollansie mit me a slaffen,… oh try again. Learning a language, how it helps form space inside the head.

Tech brain comes into the boardroom. Tech brain lives on bits of code. Ideas don’t come naturally with him. The previous stuff has made them lots. What has he this time. A third time, its the same, an early riser, gets up from the table, I’ll do this myself. What next, amen. Jesus on the virtue of patience, amen. Third party news, how they can mislead. The old owl knows it when those around him, are chancing it, bringing in what, amen. What does the gut teach you?.

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