Ginger Bread

food for the little spirit, the value of story, how they eat them up, the stars in the eyes, their reflection, has anyone ever seen it, imagine stars, glittering in the eyes, a magical affect, the angels delight, whose, the question later, and the tutoring of another, the situation more difficult. Why write at all, the hazards facing the artist, this love of wisdom, who treasures it most, why Joyce was banned, a lesson for Lawrence, cheers to the team, the boy who is on the way to manhood, needs the lessons, why books, do we need to explain it, and the people of the book, how Jesus asks us, what is a blessing, why we need to open the hearts of others, what it means, amen.

The lady is watching the tennis game, an opportunity to relax, Federer on center stage, calm Swiss, they say that age will overcome you, he wins in his 39th year, despite the odds, the pointer to the poet, A.M.Dooley, woman of heart, fighter to the end, courage in depth, her untimely passing, leaves a question mark.

The boy is looking cheekily at the bundle of books, your not getting out of here until you’ve read me a few, the poet sighs, philosopher too, and more, the child wont be disappointed, another twenty minutes, the heart in a safe place, free from any worry, will awake to a fresh calling, are we going for breakfast, the sun out, as is, the journey to cheer on the girls, or the side order, learning how to grow up, and the confidence that matters, building up. The ginger bread man, dunleavy and the sacred heart, Latin master, the night before, I won’t be there for the class, the teacher, a gentle man, easy to learn from, Mrs Carey loves her golf, the veins in her legs needing attention, her caddy, an essential worker, amen.

The eyes on the screen, the many stories, the friend call out, the stories the teacher was impressed with, all with heavenly intentions, the heart felt emotions, this joy this heart, the story will make a great movie, what was achieved under the circumstances, would they believe it, the results, as Isaiah says show the ability and compact method of learning, how God teaches us on a daily basis.

Years later, the friends talk about those that are gone ahead, where will you be sent, what, the look, don’t you believe in the world of Heaven, the prophet smiles, there is truth in it, the old sage says, are you prepared, Jesus tells the parable, they ask, which one, there are many to choose from, they are living, like the story of the gingerbread man, the living piece of bread, until the fox gets his own idea, but the story, still talks to you, you don’t learn by remote, amen, the heart involved, the teaching is deep, Eugene, the teacher always interesting, multi tasker, making the subject interesting, the way we do it, imagination. And not bad on the course either, amen. A cherished teacher like many of his colleagues, lucky bunch who sat before them, amen, a form of ginger bread man, great name too, cheers and thanks.

Later, the new school is the envy of the nation, what, how do you get in, Doctor Benny went there too!. Who is Doctor Benny, he likes pancakes too, cheers Mrs Carey.

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