After D Day…..

The bags are stuffed, the face is all sweat, the panic, get out of here quick, what if they find out., another sheaf of papers hit the fire, the fire erupts, hurry another says one eye on the gold bullion stored in the chest, can’t we take it with us. The revelation came to pass, the news, we have to leave no evidence. A young soldier enters the room, the usual formality ignored, the sight before the young man, has never seen such disorganization, is used to being ordered.

Hurry the man shouts, another soldier carries a box, hurry’s past. What’s up an officer asks entering the office, impeccably dressed, they are coming he says. The exit is blocked by the arrival of another man, he tries to squeeze in, the floor covered in sheets, reports, unbelievable.

A group of women are outside the office, relaxed, easy, smiling. They watch the men rushing in rushing out, no longer interested in anything but escape, the women still smile. A young girl joins them, the women, all smiles. What’s the surprise she asks?

“the revelation of Jesus, has got out, great news for us?”

Prayers are being said, in churches they gather every evening, their children at the front, please being them home safely, the hymns are sung. The service ends, a woman sits alone, another woman enters, they smile at each other, they know how personal it is.

Where is He, she lets the beads trickle through her fingers, deep in her pockets. Another worrying moment, she looks up, asking the question. The trouble with children she hears. They came to teach the ways to the light, then another found what they had in common, and used it against them, What was mass like on Sunday. Monday he is doing the selection, his choice is limited, he is trying to be compassionate, they’ll never know. They will only recognize the uniform.

We were at risk for over 1500 years. 1500 years, that wasn’t yesterday. We struggled to hang onto the rituals, to stay close as possible to God. The young soldier frowns, being lacidasical has risks, from all sides. The wonder of faith; in the war situation its hard to recognize. Are we fighting for freedom, what is the outcome, will we have more friends.

More Prayers, asking, Why did this happen. The eternal Loving hearts soak up the anguish. With space, we could do some healing, the words of Jesus, so vital at the times, the need for more of the Spirit, Jesus on the miracles, the need for Spirit, do we put ourselves at risk, or into a vacuum, where actions are the outcome. Wisdom would say, provide for it, and help all your chances. or to Healing, have what is rare, amen.

Roots, where do we come from, how do we achieve a compassionate heart, where do we learn about kindness, to whom do we look, whom do we reach for; who else, The Mother figure in your life. The solitary mother, carries far more than children; the early teacher, the constant presence in the life of her children, and without fail, she does her best, as everyone who is lucky, has a great mother. The light she brings, the unfailing help she gives, the example she shows, in her kindness to strangers,and her corporal acts of mercy. The most under regarded worker in the entire world. Men start wars, not solitary mothers, men start wars, her children, the victims. As the mother hen displays and many birds too, how she keeps her chicks safe, beneath her wings.

Jesus, oh Jerusalem, the words he used way back then, the same call goes out today.

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